There are mixed reviews about new year's resolutions. Some people love them and always make their list. Others think they are pointless, maybe because they never stuck, their list wasn’t achievable, or they couldn’t see how a change in the calendar would make much difference. Then of course there are those who like the idea of them, but because they are procrastinators, never get around to making any resolutions.
I personally think new year’s resolutions are good in principle. God created the world with a rhythm of new year’s, months, weeks and days. It seems to me like a biblical idea that God invites us to start fresh and set goals. I mean the gospel is essentially God offering us a new beginning. Jesus’ death and resurrection cancelled the debt of sin, and provided a clean slate and new life to all who receive him.
Paul wrote about the outcome in 2 Corinthians 5:17. Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Whether you are restarting with Jesus, or you have been following him for years, let these words sink in to start 2025. The old is gone, new life has begun. We have tried the old life, and too many years were wasted on it. New life in Jesus is a better adventure into the new things God wants to do in and through us. We don’t know what the year holds for each of us, or for our ever changing world for that matter. But we do know the One who holds the year, also holds our lives in his loving and powerful hands.
On Thursday I was texting with Joel Hockey who mentioned he was reading Isaiah 54, and knew verse 3 was significant for The Grove. Then he wrote words from verse 4 in the Message translation that struck a chord in my heart. Don’t be afraid—you’re not going to be embarrassed. Don’t hold back—you’re not going to come up short.
If you are like me you’ve had a mixed relationships with new year’s resolutions. But this year, I believe God is saying to not procrastinate stepping out in faith to how Jesus is leading us. Whether individually or as a church. To not fear humiliation that something might not work out, or to fear a lack of provision would stop us in our tracks. Do not be afraid, do not hold back. Those are words for the new life of following Jesus, and I pray we will all hear those words behind however God calls us to step out in faith in 2025.
Happy new year, and may the Lord grant you courage, clarity and conviction for
all he calls you and us to in 2025.