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Before they started, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in 2021 were seen as the unpopular games by many people. By the time they finished, they seemed to be exactly what everyone needed. COVID19 has been the central global issue for the last 18 months, but for 17 days the world received a circuit breaker. The focus shifted onto the best athletes across the globe competing for a place on the podium of Olympic glory. 


Maybe this Olympic Games were so special because we saw ourselves in the narrative, as athletes strived and struggled for victory. In empty stadiums, behind mask wearing interviews, we connected with the stories. Of triumph against the odds, to valiant efforts despite defeat, and moments of extreme sportsmanship. It was the games where non podium finishers were venerated as champions. Peter Bol’s fourth place was celebrated like gold in Australia. Sinead Diver, in her debut Olympic marathon at 44,  made the top ten, just four minutes behind the winner. And who will forget Cedric Dubler who couldn't win a medal in the Decathlon, but made sure his team mate Ash Maloney did. 


There are many more examples, but for me the highlight was Nicola McDermott. She called herself a misfit at school, wondering why she was so tall. But she won the silver medal in high jump, and took the opportunity in her post competition interview to tell her story. Her opening comments had every follower of Jesus on the edge of their seats shouting come on! In an empty stadium she declared her belief that stadiums would once again be full, not just for the Olympics, but for a revival like the Billy Graham era. Where the gospel is preached across the world, and people respond in droves. 


The interviewer pressed the faith question and Nicola didn’t miss the opportunity. She spoke of her teenage struggles with identity until being introduced to a faith community. She was accepted and loved for who she was, and discovered that God is just like that. It totally changed her life. She now lives her life and sport from the confidence of knowing she is loved and accepted; the secret behind her success. She boldly declared of how faith in God makes everything possible. I was busting as I heard her share on the world stage, at such a time as this. WOW, praise God for you Nicola! God’s voice came through loud and clear.    


I realize at this point my blog is shaping up to be longish! But I have so much in my heart to share with you church family. When Nicola was journaling between jumps, the metaphor wasn’t lost on me. She recorded what she learned from previous jumps, which prepared her for when the bar was raised to new heights. That is like where we are at as a church. God has enabled us to get over some pretty high bars in the past. But there is a bar ahead that is raised again, since we have been placed permanently as a light on the hill. 


We are journaling and listening to Jesus in this new season, desperate for his instructions for how to reach new heights. We are praying and laying foundations of faith, for the core strength we need to jump into mission in a way that is powerful and effective. Our goal is for so many in our community, who feel like misfits, to come to this faith community. A place for people to belong, believe and become, as they discover the love and acceptance of God, found in Jesus. I pray you are saying amen!


In light of this, let’s get practical for a moment. Something I am sure a coach would say to an athlete as they dream of reaching new heights. There is training, planning as well as goals to set. So here are few things to note.


In October, we are going to hold a church conference on Saturday the 16th. It will be an important moment to gather and mine the gold that Jesus has scattered among us in this listening season. Keep journaling and stayed tuned for more details to come. 


Dive into the last few weeks of Christian Foundations. You are in for a treat with three great communicators coming to speak. 

  • Who better than Andy Gourley, the founder and CEO of Red Frogs, to speak on mission this Sunday. You don’t want to miss this! 
  • Then the Christian Foundations author, Rev Dr John Sweetman, is preaching on perseverance. You will be so blessed by the message.
  • Finally, Malyon lecturer and our regional minister, Rev Dr Ian Hussey will teach about baptism. Whether you have been baptized or not, there is no greater moment in a person's life! May we see so many more in our new pool.


There is another practical way we are preparing to be a church where people belong, believe and become. We are pressing on with our property development. The LED sign will be installed by mid-September, and stage one of the admin floor fit-out will commence this term. Funds only allow us to go so far initially, but we pray that God would provide for the completion of the admin floor and kitchen fit-out in the future. These are vitally important spaces to serve the people God brings to The Grove.


I am almost finished my longest pastor's blog ever! But I also wanted to let you know Leanne and I are taking four weeks Long Service Leave from this Saturday. A time to rest, and for us to listen to God as a couple in this important season. We are so excited about what’s ahead, and our hearts are full of faith that a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit is coming. 


“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared

    for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2:9)


Our amazing staff team will be on deck over the next four weeks, to serve the church. Encourage, support and pray for them. I look forward to seeing everyone soon, and pray the Lord watches over you all, as you watch over one another in love, prayer and encouragement. 


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)


God bless you, Marty 



Recently we found a bunch of plants at our church entrance, and a note reading, "Happy Church warming Gift! Praying your Grand Opening is a blessing to you all as you honour God and bless your community!" Thankyou to whoever donated those plants, that are now freshening up more areas in the building. God keeps providing in so many creative and encouraging ways, that express his love for our community.   


Plants are a good image for The Grove, and for the new season we are entering. Last Sunday I preached on Psalm 1, and verse 3 tells of the reward of delighting in God's word, by meditating on it daily.


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither –
    whatever they do prospers.


That is such an attractive picture of what we want to become. And it's exactly what God promises we will become, if we sink our roots deep into his word and presence. We are setting aside term three to listen to God speak, and lay spiritual foundations for our faith. Here are some ways to embrace this foundational season, and put your roots down in The Grove.



I wrote another blog in the newsletter about hearing from God. I would love the church to read this also, and for each of us make personal commitments to seek God's direction in term three. To use the practices of journalling, discussion and prayer as methods of discernment. As the head of our church, Jesus has much to say to us about his plans for our future. 



I love the words belong, believe and become. Those words define what growing as a follower of Jesus looks like. We don't just attend church, we belong in the faith community, we help eachother grow in our faith, and as a result of belonging and believing we become more like Jesus and fulfill his mission for our lives. The Christian Foundations course in term three will help us sure up solid foundations in our faith, as we commit to growing in this new season. I pray many would sink their roots deep into this series. 



We recently released a new vision and finance booklet for the 21-22 financial year. Our new weekly budget of $11,000 is foundational for the ministry and mission of The Grove. It is also a big step that will require many playing a part. We asked everyone to pray about how God is leading them to invest tithes into the new budget, and for how people plan to contribute to the Rise UP Fit Out appeal. Then to fill out the commitment slip in the back of the booklet, and place it in the offering boxes on the 11th and 18th of July. Writing your name on the slip is completely optional, but the commitment slip itself provides the opportunity to express the commitment people make in their hearts. 


I pray that as we commit to listening, growing and investing in term three, that we will hear God speak, be transformed by his Holy Spirit, and be amazed at his abundant provision. 

God bless, Marty





I remember starting high school as one of the shortest kids in my grade, but finishing as one of the taller ones. It felt great finally looking my age, and a relief to not be mistaken for a child at 15! But sudden growth produces growing pains. My new lanky body was awkward at first, but more importantly to me, I needed a new wardrobe! Enter my parents. As one of five, I guess it was them who felt the growing pains the most. I think thats why mum learned to sew!  


It occurred to me recently, that we are experiencing  growing pains as a church. It feels great to finally have our new building officially open, and to welcome many new people into the body of Christ. There is a fresh wind of God's Spirit blowing, and we are joyful about our coming of age as a church. At the same time, we can feel awkward as we try to find our feet in this growing season. For those who are newer, it takes time to form deeper connections, tap into the heartbeat of the church and put your roots down. For others who are longer term, the church family feels different in a new place, with more people and changing structures.


Its this mix of freshness and awkwardness that is usually part of transitioning into new growth and greater opportunities. As a church we are getting used to ministry in a new building, while also waiting on God for his directions for the next stage of the journey. Growing pains can sometimes be confused as a negative experience because change makes us feel uncomfortable, less secure and sometimes even a little lost. However, growing pains are actually healthy and positive because it shows God is stretching us and enlarging our capacity for more blessing, increased wholeness and greater Kingdom influence.  


Jesus taught a parable about old and new wineskins (Luke 5:37-38). He said you can't put new wine into old wineskins, because the skins won't stretch as the wine matures and expands. The skins will burst and the wine will be wasted. You only pour new wine into new wineskins, because the skins stretch with the expanding wine. The point Jesus was making was that the old covenant based on the law, could not hold the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the new covenant opened up through Jesus death and resurrection. In application, we can only be filled with the Holy Spirit if we have a new heart, and we only recieve a new heart by dying to our old life, and recieving Jesus through trusting fully in him. 


We are praying for revival for 21 days, which is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit beyond anything we have seen before. Part of preparing for revival is to open up our hearts to God for him to change us. Some people aren't attracted to revival because of that word, change. Changing is uncomfortable, its painful, and for that reason they might avoid the season and potentially waste the new wine. Yet for others, they are too heartbroken by the damage of darkness, and the lostness of our nation to pass up this opportunity. They are aware of their own brokeness, and desperate and wide open to God stretching and expanding them for his new grace filled work. Growing pains are expected, yet not negative but nessesary when the Spirit of God moves in a person or a church. 


The Grove is experiencing growing pains because Jesus has us right where he wants us. He has given us a new physical structure to make room for a growing family as he saves, changes lives and brings them in. He is also wanting to create in us a new heart, one with plenty of room to be filled with his life and love that will totally transform our lives, our families, and our church, reflecting the brilliance of Jesus glory. 


This Sunday is the final week of our 21 days, focussing on the theme preparing for revival. Our Youth and Young Adults pastor, Henry, will kick it off preaching at our 9.30am and 5.30pm services. The final weeks devotional readings are excellent, and will lead us each personally. But on the 18th-20th of June is the final weekend where we are holding a prayer retreat, worship and prayer meeting and concluding with a statewide zoom meeting live from The Grove at 7pm. Whether you are new to The Grove or longer term, let's leave behind old wineskins and stretch out our hearts and gather in the building for new wine from heaven. Revive us Lord. Amen.






As I prepare for the Grand Opening service, I couldn’t think of a more fitting day for it to fall on than Pentecost Sunday. The day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus said in Acts 1:8,


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”    


In the 2000 years since Jesus spoke these words, tens of millions of churches have been planted across the earth, empowered by the Holy Spirit as witnesses to him – one of those is The Grove. Our local church was born in 2007 in two suburbs without any churches. Our fourteen-year pioneering call is completed this Sunday, as we officially declare our church home open for the glory of God. 


I am looking forward to sharing some of The Grove's story. Worshipping King Jesus in a full house. And it will be a joy to have the chair of the QB board and our sending pastor Peter Sweetman share an encouragement. Also, the QB Director of the Movement, Jason Elsmore, will pray the prayer of dedication. 


Our grand opening also marks the beginning of a new era, and the birth of new life that I believe God will pour out among us. At Alpha this week I was so encouraged as one person shared about how much Jesus is doing in their lives since coming to The Grove this year. At the end of the session which was on prayer, we all prayed together and the Holy Spirit led. People started praying for Jesus glory to be powerfully seen by all at the grand opening. One person prayed for a gushing of the Holy Spirit, like that of a champagne bottle that is shaken and shaken and then suddenly the cork pops! These examples are just some of many that reveal faith and expectation is building in our hearts. 


Following the grand opening is 21 days of prayer for revival. The timing of this can only be from the Holy Spirit. The first thing we do after the official opening is to fill God’s house with prayer. I encourage everyone to take part in the 21 days that I believe will be one of the most powerful seasons in the life of our church. There will be Sunday sermons, connect group studies, daily devotions, families, youth and kids resources and prayer meetings. May we be astonished as we see people and families changed, and revival come as we call on the name of Jesus.  


We all long for Jesus to breakthrough in our nation and in the lives of those we love. We see the darkness causing so much damage, and have arrived at a place of desperation for the glory, presence and power of God to turn things around. The Holy Spirit is moving, and he is calling us to play our part in prayer. I am totally convinced he wants to use The Grove as a church that offers recovery into whoelness, freedom from sin and captivity, and calling into purpose for all who come. These things are all found in Jesus for whose glory we exist, and in whose name we trust. We open and dedicate the building and the church on Sunday to be used for the coming revival we pray for. 


God bless,




Acts 1:3-8

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


What a weekend to look forward to as we dedicate this building to God and thank Him for the incredible journey we have been on as a Church. I can think of no better weekend to celebrate the opening of the building than on Pentecost Sunday!

Be praying this week for God to move in the hearts of the people in this community as the Church opens its doors for all to come and hear the good news of Jesus! May His Holy Spirit come in and do a mighty work in our hearts.



  • That God has been with us for 14 years, supporting and spurring us on as a Church.
  • For the people that have come to know and love Jesus in this place.
  • For the many lives changed and touched because of the community here at The Grove.
  • For all the people that have made this building project possible.




  • That this Church would become a place where people can Belong, Believe and Become. Joining us in a community of believers that want the name of Jesus to be lifted high above all else. 
  • For us as a church to be attuned to the Holy Spirit.
  • That God would speak to us when we take intentional time to be still before Him.
  • That this place becomes known in the community as a Church that loves people no matter their past or background.
  • That The Grove is part of seeing a revival take place here on the northside of Brisbane in Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, and Upper Kedron.
  • That those driving by the Church on a Sunday would be led to come into this place.
  • For God to move in our hearts and reveal His love afresh this weekend as we celebrate and enjoy what He has gifted us.
  • That we would see friends, family members, and work colleagues come to know Jesus in the new building.



  • For God’s Holy Spirit to come and fill this place and lead us in the direction He wants.
  • That this building would be a safe place for youth and kids to come and feel accepted and loved no matter their background.
  • For God to raise up the next generation of leaders, to equip them and give them wisdom in every situation they face.