Before they started, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in 2021 were seen as the unpopular games by many people. By the time they finished, they seemed to be exactly what everyone needed. COVID19 has been the central global issue for the last 18 months, but for 17 days the world received a circuit breaker. The focus shifted onto the best athletes across the globe competing for a place on the podium of Olympic glory.
Maybe this Olympic Games were so special because we saw ourselves in the narrative, as athletes strived and struggled for victory. In empty stadiums, behind mask wearing interviews, we connected with the stories. Of triumph against the odds, to valiant efforts despite defeat, and moments of extreme sportsmanship. It was the games where non podium finishers were venerated as champions. Peter Bol’s fourth place was celebrated like gold in Australia. Sinead Diver, in her debut Olympic marathon at 44, made the top ten, just four minutes behind the winner. And who will forget Cedric Dubler who couldn't win a medal in the Decathlon, but made sure his team mate Ash Maloney did.
There are many more examples, but for me the highlight was Nicola McDermott. She called herself a misfit at school, wondering why she was so tall. But she won the silver medal in high jump, and took the opportunity in her post competition interview to tell her story. Her opening comments had every follower of Jesus on the edge of their seats shouting come on! In an empty stadium she declared her belief that stadiums would once again be full, not just for the Olympics, but for a revival like the Billy Graham era. Where the gospel is preached across the world, and people respond in droves.
The interviewer pressed the faith question and Nicola didn’t miss the opportunity. She spoke of her teenage struggles with identity until being introduced to a faith community. She was accepted and loved for who she was, and discovered that God is just like that. It totally changed her life. She now lives her life and sport from the confidence of knowing she is loved and accepted; the secret behind her success. She boldly declared of how faith in God makes everything possible. I was busting as I heard her share on the world stage, at such a time as this. WOW, praise God for you Nicola! God’s voice came through loud and clear.
I realize at this point my blog is shaping up to be longish! But I have so much in my heart to share with you church family. When Nicola was journaling between jumps, the metaphor wasn’t lost on me. She recorded what she learned from previous jumps, which prepared her for when the bar was raised to new heights. That is like where we are at as a church. God has enabled us to get over some pretty high bars in the past. But there is a bar ahead that is raised again, since we have been placed permanently as a light on the hill.
We are journaling and listening to Jesus in this new season, desperate for his instructions for how to reach new heights. We are praying and laying foundations of faith, for the core strength we need to jump into mission in a way that is powerful and effective. Our goal is for so many in our community, who feel like misfits, to come to this faith community. A place for people to belong, believe and become, as they discover the love and acceptance of God, found in Jesus. I pray you are saying amen!
In light of this, let’s get practical for a moment. Something I am sure a coach would say to an athlete as they dream of reaching new heights. There is training, planning as well as goals to set. So here are few things to note.
In October, we are going to hold a church conference on Saturday the 16th. It will be an important moment to gather and mine the gold that Jesus has scattered among us in this listening season. Keep journaling and stayed tuned for more details to come.
Dive into the last few weeks of Christian Foundations. You are in for a treat with three great communicators coming to speak.
- Who better than Andy Gourley, the founder and CEO of Red Frogs, to speak on mission this Sunday. You don’t want to miss this!
- Then the Christian Foundations author, Rev Dr John Sweetman, is preaching on perseverance. You will be so blessed by the message.
- Finally, Malyon lecturer and our regional minister, Rev Dr Ian Hussey will teach about baptism. Whether you have been baptized or not, there is no greater moment in a person's life! May we see so many more in our new pool.
There is another practical way we are preparing to be a church where people belong, believe and become. We are pressing on with our property development. The LED sign will be installed by mid-September, and stage one of the admin floor fit-out will commence this term. Funds only allow us to go so far initially, but we pray that God would provide for the completion of the admin floor and kitchen fit-out in the future. These are vitally important spaces to serve the people God brings to The Grove.
I am almost finished my longest pastor's blog ever! But I also wanted to let you know Leanne and I are taking four weeks Long Service Leave from this Saturday. A time to rest, and for us to listen to God as a couple in this important season. We are so excited about what’s ahead, and our hearts are full of faith that a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit is coming.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2:9)
Our amazing staff team will be on deck over the next four weeks, to serve the church. Encourage, support and pray for them. I look forward to seeing everyone soon, and pray the Lord watches over you all, as you watch over one another in love, prayer and encouragement.
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)
God bless you, Marty