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Pastor's note:

Our Everyday Disciples series finishes this week with an apt title: Finishing Well. We have learned many foundational themes for the life of faith over the series. The importance of being immersed in scripture, serving in community, growing in intimacy and multiplying in mission. These themes teach us how to grow deeper in love and wider in influence as we walk with Jesus everyday. This final week teaches us how we can finish well. 


Sadly, not everyone finishes well. It’s always a little heartbreaking to hear of people dropping out of the race, and losing their love and joy in Christ. It’s also a reminder that it's possible for us all. Something I find strengthens my faith to keep going, is to focus on those who are finishing well. 


I subscribe to the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, and regularly listen to interviews with Christian leaders. Last week he interviewed Hal Donaldson, the CEO of Convoy of Hope, an incredible not for profit that serves people in disaster and poverty. Hal got to meet Mother Teresa before she died and shared of the experience. Her feet were so damaged towards the end, that she had to slide across the concrete floor to greet him. When Carey asked what Hal learned from her, he surprisingly said, “not that much…all she wanted to do was talk about me and my family.”  


That is a clear indicator of finishing well. Mother Teresa who gave her life to showing kindness and mercy to the poorest of the poor, never ran out of love for others but remained other centred to the end. Hal did, however, get one peice of wisdom from her. In his role he is required everyday to make decisions about what needs to meet, and what needs he can’t. He asked MT how she made that decision with all the needs constantly surrounding her. She told him to just do the next kind thing for someone, that Jesus places before you. Then after that, do the next. The Lord will always show you, and fill your heart with love for them.  


I would have loved to meet Mother Teresa, but I am fortunate to have known many people who finished the race well, and I also know many finishing well. Men and women who aren’t perfect, but seem to be increasingly other centred and more gracious the older they get. I pray I can be like that too. Like the Psalmist says, 'They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, ' (Psalms 92:14). 


I pray that individually and as a church, we would never lose our way, our love, joy or hope. Rather, keeping our eyes on Jesus, we would finish well. That each day we would love our Saviour, and ask him to show us the next kindness we can offer to others. This week people did just that, on Tuesday as a group of volunteers served pancakes to kids at Ferny Grove Primary, and on Thursday another team served our senior citizens with music at Regis, and on Friday at Mainly Music and Grove Youth. Every week, so much kindness flows from so many people in so many ways. It’s all the result of the kindness we received from Jesus, and one day we will meet him face to face, look into those kind eyes and be in his presence forever. What a wonderful future we have to look forward to! 



Pastor's note:

The photo on the front cover of the newsletter is being called the shot of the Olympics from photographer Jérôme Brouillet. 3x world-champion surfer Gabriel Medina appears to defy gravity, walking upon clouds, emerging from a barrel wave off the coast of Tahiti. 

To caption this amazing, unedited shot on Instagram for his 12m followers, the Brazilian Christian surfer chose a simple, single Bible verse: “Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece” (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13)

I always love it when Christian athletes use their fame to point to Jesus. Gabriel wasn’t actually walking on clouds, but he was using the illusion to point to something that’s real and available for everyone. God is able to give us strength in all circumstances in life. 

Paul wrote that verse from prison, as the conclusion to a paragraph in which he shared the secret of being content with plenty or with little. Paul was seeking to bring encouragement to his many readers whose circumstances might be difficult, and who are uncertain about the future. They too can find strength in Christ, and contentment in life, even though they feel weak and in great need. It’s a supernatural thing, like walking on clouds or water, to experience the presence of God take over and lift us up to feel strong in all situations. 

Last week in the Everyday Disciple series we studied Ephesians 4:11-16 and considered another supernatural work that God does in us. Jesus gives his followers spiritual gifts to build up the church and serve the world with. Many things can drain us in life and service, but when we use these special gifts, they zap rather than sap energy. 


I have been leading two Alpha courses this term, and I always feel energized discussing the message and hope of Jesus with others who are seeking answers. Others will testify to the same experience when they activate their gifts, whether it’s the gift of mercy, faith, administration, service, giving, craftsmanship, hospitality, teaching…the list goes on. When we use our gifts, the Holy Spirit puts the wind in our sails.


You may or may not know your spiritual gift, but you can take a quick free test by visiting this url. https://giftstest.com We did this together at our staff meeting, then spent time sharing our results with the team and praying for each person. You might like to do that with your connect group, or with some other Christian friends. Our pastoral team are always available for you to make an appointment if you would like to explore your gifts with us, and how you could use them. 


Sometimes we can feel drained by trying to be who we are not, or do what we are not gifted for. Of course we all have things to do that are not as natural for us, and which are part of our calling and responsibilities. But it’s usually the case that God’s calling on us will accompany the gift he placed in us. May we all know the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, as we trust Christ in all circumstances and activate our gifts in service. 



Pastor's note:

For the next couple of weeks all eyes will be on the Paris Olympics. It will be wonderful to focus on a global event that promotes unity in a world that seems so full of division. Every day we read about suffering caused by wars that don’t end, and tensions erupting around national elections. People fight each other, relationships fracture, and children grow up witnessing things they never should.  


It’s hard to imagine, but try to think about the world where everyone loves their neighbour as themselves. Where forgiveness is offered quickly, love is freely shared, and where all people feel safe and free. Imagine unspeakable joy and the deepest of peace because there is no fear but only acceptance, belonging and generosity. It’s hard to imagine, but if we try we get a glimpse into the beauty of heaven. 


A few weeks ago I had something like a vision. I was imagining this outpouring of God’s blessing into a vessel that represents The Grove. The vessel had four characteristics that enabled us to catch and distribute God’s grace into the people and neighbourhood around us. I attempted to draw what I imagined which was not awesome! But I managed to create four digital views of a vessel to explain what Jesus impressed on my heart. I shared these at our team and vision night, as biblical values that position us to steward an outpouring of God’s power and love through service.   

(pic of vessels)


The word humility means low to the ground. Jesus demonstrated humility through becoming human, serving people, washing feet and being obedient to death on a cross to save us. John Dickson gave this definition. Humility is the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself. Let’s follow Jesus example to go low, serve and lift others up. 



Character matters more than ability. When we serve people without hidden agendas, pretence, or self centred motives, we offer them genuine love and safety. Integrity isn’t about perfection but authenticity. Jesus taught that the pure in heart will see God (Matt 5:8). If we are clear vessels, not only will people see and experience Jesus through us, we will see Jesus glory with an unclouded view. 



God is looking to fill the cups of those open to be transformed by his power, shaped by his word and available to make a difference. There is a growing hunger for God in our city, but that hunger needs to be even greater in the church. When our hearts, minds, time and resources are available to Jesus, then we become conduits of his transforming power, healing and provision into a broken and lost world.  



A cup won’t hold water if there are cracks in it, which is why the devil seeks to cause division in churches. But when we are quick to forgive and seek to be peacemakers, James called it godly wisdom which strengthens unity and produces a harvest (James 3:13-18). When the mission of God really matters to us, we will seal up cracks so that we don’t leak and dry up, but instead fill up and overflow


Leanne and I are so grateful to be part of a church family where humility, integrity, availability and unity are clearly evident. But we also pray with you that God would only increase the quality and size of our vessel that is low to the ground, clear, open and water tight. A greater outpouring is coming, and may we be ready to catch and distribute grace to many, so that God’s Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


Pastor Marty

Pastor's note:

There is heaps to be excited about as we kick off week 2 in our Everyday Disciple Series. Already I can see across the church the joy and wonder found in following Jesus. 


  • Last Friday night we officially welcomed the grade 6’s out to youth. This launched term 3 with one of our biggest nights of the year with 35 in attendance. I had a great conversation with a youth around the topic of how we hear from God. 

  • Our Wednesday prayer meeting was filled with expectation as we stood in the kitchen and prayed over the ministry and vision for the fit-out. A place that will support almost every ministry in the church in providing food and coffee for the church and community for many years to come. 

  • We gathered as connect groups on Thursday night to launch the connect series as Marty shared a practical application of listening to God through the process of journaling. 

  • Finally, this weekend Rev Dr Tania Harris is sharing with us at our women’s conference and our Sunday morning service. Sharing around the topic of her book “God Conversations”, we are again expectant for God to continue to speak through His word and his people. 


I can see a clear theme of listening to God flow through every aspect of our church. This is happening on an individual level as we seek to become more like Christ, but also collectively as the body of Christ. I’d encourage you to spend some time in the Everyday Disciple daily devotions. There is something special about being united in God’s word and devotions together that opens the door for God to speak. This week we look at the topic of being “immersed in scripture” and I will be sharing a word at our 5:30 PM service from 2 Timothy 3:16-17. 


“16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


God’s word equips us for every good work! What an incredible reminder this week as we continue reading His word and become immersed in hearing from our Heavenly Father. As we look towards the future we want to be known as a community that not only hears the voice of God but has the strength to step out in obedience and faith. My prayer this week for us is that we listen to God and continue to do the good work that God calls us to. 





Pastor's note:

At last Sunday’s members meeting, Mel Goopy was voted in as a new pastor at The Grove. Praise the Lord! What a wonderful moment this was in the life of our church. I must admit I got a bit emotional after the meeting, thinking about how good Jesus is and all he has done in the lives of Mel, Chris and their family. It’s also a wonderful answer to prayer as we have been seeking the Lord about future leaders for a long time. While we continue our search for a family’s pastor, finding a leader who is home grown in The Grove is a beautiful story of fruitfulness. I won’t tell anymore of the story, as Mel will share her testimony in the service this Sunday about how God called her to pastoral ministry.  


There is no greater moment for any person than hearing God call them. Lots of people and organisations try to grab our attention and suggest a way for us to go in life, or what to invest our resources in. Yet there is only one who has the credibility and authority to make a call on our lives. The one who fearfully and wonderfully created each of us, who loves us without limit, and who prepared in advance the good work and purpose that will fulfill our lives and change the world around us (Ephesians 2:10). 


On this Commitment Sunday we give thanks to God for his call on The Grove, which is a call on all who have made The Grove their spiritual home and family. We are called together to be a city on a hill in our neighbourhood, and in the new financial year, to increase our capacity to reach more people of all ages in our neighbourhood and the nations.


Jesus’ call on us is like his call on Peter to put his boat out into deep water for a catch (Luke 5). Peter wasn’t convinced about the plan at first, but the catch of fish was immeasurably more than he could have imagined. It was a defining moment in his call to become a fisher of people. This Sunday is our defining moment, to step out in faith and obedience into a place out of our depth. A place where only God can provide, and where only Jesus will get the glory for all he does. A place of tremendous fruitfulness. 


There are seasons where Jesus calls a small group to carry a larger load, but then the season changes and he calls for more people to join. A little like how Peter called for more boats to gather the large catch of fish. Movements of God can suddenly accelerate, and we can see the signs of this through a growing hunger for God in many. So by faith we are seeking to prepare, believing for immeasurably more. 


This year we are stepping out to grow a leadership team that matches the capacity of the building the Lord gave us. We are investing more in the next generation with pastor Henry moving to full time. We are preparing to love our neighbours by calling Mel, who will equip us with the COACH program to bring hope and help to those in need in our neighbourhood. And an exciting step is the fitout of our kitchen, which will be a much needed hub for hospitality, including our Neighbourhood Cafe dream. May God provide through our special offering this Sunday to raise a further $77,000. In our vision and finance booklet, there are many more visions we are committed to as well.  


Our response couldn’t be expressed better than God’s words to Israel through Joshua. 

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things 

among you.” (Joshua 3:5).
