Our Everyday Disciples series finishes this week with an apt title: Finishing Well. We have learned many foundational themes for the life of faith over the series. The importance of being immersed in scripture, serving in community, growing in intimacy and multiplying in mission. These themes teach us how to grow deeper in love and wider in influence as we walk with Jesus everyday. This final week teaches us how we can finish well.
Sadly, not everyone finishes well. It’s always a little heartbreaking to hear of people dropping out of the race, and losing their love and joy in Christ. It’s also a reminder that it's possible for us all. Something I find strengthens my faith to keep going, is to focus on those who are finishing well.
I subscribe to the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, and regularly listen to interviews with Christian leaders. Last week he interviewed Hal Donaldson, the CEO of Convoy of Hope, an incredible not for profit that serves people in disaster and poverty. Hal got to meet Mother Teresa before she died and shared of the experience. Her feet were so damaged towards the end, that she had to slide across the concrete floor to greet him. When Carey asked what Hal learned from her, he surprisingly said, “not that much…all she wanted to do was talk about me and my family.”
That is a clear indicator of finishing well. Mother Teresa who gave her life to showing kindness and mercy to the poorest of the poor, never ran out of love for others but remained other centred to the end. Hal did, however, get one peice of wisdom from her. In his role he is required everyday to make decisions about what needs to meet, and what needs he can’t. He asked MT how she made that decision with all the needs constantly surrounding her. She told him to just do the next kind thing for someone, that Jesus places before you. Then after that, do the next. The Lord will always show you, and fill your heart with love for them.
I would have loved to meet Mother Teresa, but I am fortunate to have known many people who finished the race well, and I also know many finishing well. Men and women who aren’t perfect, but seem to be increasingly other centred and more gracious the older they get. I pray I can be like that too. Like the Psalmist says, 'They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, ' (Psalms 92:14).
I pray that individually and as a church, we would never lose our way, our love, joy or hope. Rather, keeping our eyes on Jesus, we would finish well. That each day we would love our Saviour, and ask him to show us the next kindness we can offer to others. This week people did just that, on Tuesday as a group of volunteers served pancakes to kids at Ferny Grove Primary, and on Thursday another team served our senior citizens with music at Regis, and on Friday at Mainly Music and Grove Youth. Every week, so much kindness flows from so many people in so many ways. It’s all the result of the kindness we received from Jesus, and one day we will meet him face to face, look into those kind eyes and be in his presence forever. What a wonderful future we have to look forward to!