We had the most wonderful two days at the QB conference as a staff team. I can’t remember there ever being a greater expectation of what the Lord will do in Queensland, than among the leaders and churches at the multiply conference. Many stories were being shared of how people are being awakened to Jesus, and sometimes just arriving at church wanting to know God. We have experienced this at The Grove, and I can think of people straight away who arrived at our front door having experienced some kind of awakening.
We celebrated the fact that in 2023, QLD Baptist churches reported the most baptisms in our history. There are also more Alpha courses being run, and churches preparing to reap the coming harvest. Preceding this has also been an increased commitment to prayer in our movement. In the last few years QB churches have set aside time to pray for Revival, and it’s making a difference. It makes sense, because there has never been a movement of God that didn’t start with people praying. We can think of all the spiritual battles we face, but what the devil works hardest to stop, is people coming together in prayer, because prayer is how we win over darkness.
It’s great to have Dan Lyons preaching the third message in our Jonah series. It’s a remarkable story of how a whole city was revived by a short sermon that Jonah preached. It’s clear enough that this was a powerful work of God, the only explanation for such a godless and barbaric people to fall on their knees in repentance to Israel’s God, Yahweh. It’s a story that can fill us with hope for our neighbourhood and city. It’s really not about how skilled or impressive we are, simply about how available we are. Jonah finally obeyed God’s call, and what a reward for his obedience. We need to get our eyes off what God’s call costs us, and onto the life it brings to those we are sent to share his message and love with.
Over the next couple of weeks, maybe you have someone you could invite to church, or into a conversation about Jesus. Mother’s Day is a good opportunity to invite family to come. The week after is Pentecost Sunday, where we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we pray into that day, asking the Holy Spirit to heal our land, and revive our city. This week we pray particularly for the children in our church and neighbourhood.
Let’s pray and obey God, and see what amazing things he will do.