Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

Pastor's note

I am about to embarrass myself. My running playlist includes Extreme Ways, the Jason Bourne theme song! When the song comes on however, it does remind me of something important… that I am not Jason Bourne! Even though for those few minutes I pretend I am. I run a faster split, but when the song finishes I seem to slow down significantly, and realise my humanity. For a while the slowdown was too much, because the song that followed was Easy by Faith no More. As that song played I just wanted to sip on a latte at the local café!


It's amazing how music can affect our moods. I can do the superhuman, or relax without a care in world in response to a song. Yet we know that it’s a momentary mood not necessarily based on dependable truths. However, there are songs that are emotive, motivating but also based on a foundation of truth. They are called Psalms. Lyrics and tunes written to real life travels. Perhaps among my favourites is Psalm 121. It’s for the seasons in life when everything seems like an uphill climb. So we play this track and are reminded of where our help comes from. 


I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.


I pray this song would lift your spirits if you are reading this because it's true. The Creator is our Helper. He is able to keep us from slipping. He watches over us. He keeps us from harm when the pressures on, and when our mind plays tricks on us. He watches over our coming and going now and forever. Now that’s a song worth adding to our playlist for life. 


As a church we have heard stories of God’s help come this week. 

  • Frank is sharing in the service about God’s help through surgery and the power of prayer.

  • Henry shared how the youth camp grew to the exact number they prayed for. 

  • God provided the church with a $36,946 offering last week significantly decreasing our budget deficit. 

  • God is calling more people to pray, volunteer and serve on teams, which is helping us strengthen our ministries to people. 


If you are like me, you need God’s help right now in something. I am praying God would help our pastoral team and ministries to people by calling another pastor. Maybe you need God’s provision, or to breakthrough a wall in the way of his promises. Well put on Psalm 121 this week, and I am confident you will find the words to be true in your experience. 


I find it so encouraging that while we study prayer, and more people are joining in prayer than we have seen in a long time, the help of heaven is coming in greater waves. God is

our Helper, but he loves to bring that help through a praying church. Praise God.




Pastor's note

You have probably heard someone say, “well, it’s a good problem to have.” What is a good problem? It’s when something you hoped for is happening, which also requires changes to manage it. We have a few good problems at the moment, due to our growth as a church. 


The first good problem is our car park is almost full at our 9.30am services. That means new people may not find a spot, and will have to navigate their way to our overflow car parking at the sports field. An initial solve of this good problem, is for some from The Grove to park next door a couple of Sundays a month. That should free up spaces every week, and serve those the Lord is bringing along.  


The second good problem is that the children coming to Grove Kids, is now greater than the size of our teams needed to lead them. What joy fills our hearts to see and hear children in our church! “Let the little children come to me”, said Jesus. To solve this good problem we are praying Jesus would call more to serve our kids, and also during this season of prayer, we are asking the Lord to reveal the person he is calling to join the pastoral team with a focus on families. 


The third good problem to have, is how more people means more help is needed to prepare and clean our venue. We are looking for people to join our Venue Team to setup chairs, and prepare spaces for ministry on a Sunday, and sometimes during the week. We also need more to join our church cleaning roster and help us keep this wonderful spiritual home sparkling. If you would like to help solve this good problem, let us know via Next Steps.


The fourth good problem relates to welcoming and hospitality. We need to increase our welcome teams for car park, the door and ushering. We also need more in our morning tea team, and available to help in the kitchen for occasional meals and events. Via our Next Steps QR code, you can find the link to serving at The Grove to express your interest. People matter to God and they matter to us. 


We praise our great God for good problems as he works among us, and more and more come to discover the love, grace and hope found in Jesus. May our good problems only increase as we let our light shine, so that people see our good deeds and praise 

our Father in Heaven (Matt 5:16).





I had a moment in last Sunday’s thanksgiving service when I felt overwhelmed with gratitude to Jesus for our church family. While not everyone could be with us in person, those who came represented the countless acts of service across 2022. As I attempted to list the many areas where people served during the year, people placed a candle in a model of our calling to be a City on a Hill. The visual collection of many individual acts of service, created a river of light that has emanated from The Grove in 2022. We might sometimes feel we play a very small part, but each part is joined to the body of Christ, God’s chosen way to reveal Jesus’ love and glory to the communities of this world.


Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven(Matthew 5:16)


Last Sunday I had the most incredible conversation with someone that powerfully revealed how Jesus is changing lives through his church. A young adult man attended the service, which was his first time in church ever. I asked him why he came, and he told me he lives in Upper Kedron, and in October this year he felt awakened to search about Jesus. He didn’t have a Christian upbringing, knew very little, but searched online, listened to sermons, and watched church services including ours. Through this he understood the gospel and paused to receive Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. I was blown away by this, and full of praise to God. I must admit, it’s a first for me that someone is awakened to Jesus in our community, and two months later attends their first ever church service already a Christian!


I said to this young man, “you know for 15 years we have been praying that Jesus awakens people in our community to the gospel”. His reply was gold. “Well keeping praying that; it’s working!” There we have it church family, from the very mouth of someone freshly awakened – “keep praying that”. I am sure God wanted us to hear this story at the end of 2022 to know that all the service, sacrifice and prayers prayed are so worth it. Like that lyric in the song Waymaker, even when you don’t see it he’s working. Of course he is, and of course he will.


Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).


It’s time to be full of thanks and to celebrate King Jesus this Christmas. Its time to have a rest and recover our strength. Then in 2023, I believe we can be expectant about an awakening that is coming. What we heard about in one life, I am convinced will be multiplied in many lives. The Holy Spirit is stirring, and hearts are opening. The harvest is plentiful, and we pray next year the workers will be plentiful too. After all, there is great joy in bringing in a harvest after years of sowing seed.


Leanne and I are so thankful for the privilege it is to have served Jesus with you this year. We praise God for a church family that has encouraged us, and prayed for us, and recently called us again for a fourth term. We don’t deserve the grace we are given, yet sharing this grace is what we are in this calling for. The undeserved, unmerited amazing grace won by Jesus and given to all who would receive it. We are so thankful for the expression of this grace among us, seen in the love and unity that is so special, and that results in a welcoming community to all who God brings along.


Thankyou for your service, generosity, perseverance, humility, and love that covers over a multitude of sins. Thankyou for coming and worshipping; for showing up again and again so that others see familiar faces to connect with. Thankyou for growing in faith, and time in God’s word, and for seeking to become more like Jesus in mind, heart and attitude. Thankyou for praying at home, and for those who have gathered in our prayer meetings. I have attended the same Wednesday morning prayer meeting for almost 16 years now, and I am convinced it is the number one reason I am still leading today. Praying with others gives me so much strength and keeps my hope alive.


I want to say a special thankyou to our amazing staff, who pour out their lives week after week from such genuine love for Jesus and his church. They are an absolute joy to work with, and serve God’s people alongside through the joys and challenges of ministry. I am also thankful for our church council who also lead and discern Jesus voice with humility and great wisdom from God. A group of men and women, whose desire is to glorify Jesus, and to obey his word above all things.


Leanne and I wish you all a merry Christmas, and pray that God gives you the deepest of rest and refreshment. May he strengthen all who need it, and answer your prayers for restoration and help. We love you our church family. God bless you.


Marty and Leanne

Sunday Update 27 Feb 22

Hi church family,


I pray you are staying safe and dry. If anyone needs assistance please don't hesitate to contact us. 


I wanted to update you on a couple of things for today.


1. In person church is still on for those who can travel safely. For those concerned about driving, please enjoy our live stream from home. 


2. We decided to postpone this afternoons Life Shared commissing prayer event to next Sunday at 4pm. But we are holding a ZOOM prayer meeting today at 4pm to pray for the Ukraine situation, those affected by floods, and for the youth camp happening next weekend. This is the ZOOM link



I look forward to worshipping with you soon, and sharing a message God laid on my heart to finish our Life Shared series. 


God bless,




  • Praise the Lord for the mighty things he has done over the last year - opening the building, bringing new people, caring for us through COVID, saving and changing lives, his provision and answered prayers. 
  • Praise God for our church family. For every person's value and uniqueness and gifting and service. Thank Jesus for his love expressed through others, and for the privilege of serving others. 
  • Thank our Father for our kids and youth, and for the joy young people bring to our church. Thank him for the spaces we now have for them, and for all those who answer the high calling to invest in young hearts. 
  • Praise God for the gospel being shared; through our live stream, through special services, ministries like Mainly Music, youth and kids nights. And for the witness of God's people in work places, schools, streets and among family and friends.   


  • We seek provision of many things to fulfill the mission God calls us to - for ways to open up that are shut, for people and leaders to serve in teams, for finances to enable forward movement, for wisdom to know what to do, for more people to go out and share the gospel, for more people to join the church family.
  • Lets pray for the Lord's provision across all areas of the church. That we will not lack the people and resources we need to make a difference in 2022.
  • Pray especially for these immediate needs:
    • For more leaders for our growing Grove Kids ministry and Mainly Music. That more would hear Jesus call to let the little children come to him.
    • For more people to practically care for our property and building. That through cleaning, gardening, mowing and blowing we would present the the place of worship to honour Jesus and welcome people. 
    • For our finances, and especially our weekly general giving. That we would reach our $11,000 per week budget to reverse the deficit and supply our need to pay our loan, fund ministry, give to missions, and call another pastor to lead families and people at The Grove.     
  • Pray for those in our church family who need provision of jobs, resources, accommodation, and wisdom for decisions. 
  • Ask the Lord to open doors to make a greater impact for the gospel, for the youth camp to bear much fruit in young people's hearts, and for many salvations and baptisms in 2022. Make prodigals come home, and hard hearts softened. Open the heavens Lord and pour out your Spirit, and bring revival.