What a joy to come back to work after holidays and spend a few days in our new office this week. While we have not officially taken occupancy yet, our staff have permission to work some days in the office space as we prepare for the new year. Even though the building is brand new, sitting at my desk I have had this overwhelming sense of being home.

This is God's house, his land, the location he always wanted his church at The Grove to call home.
This is the place that in 2021 we will welcome home people from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures, ages and circumstances.
This is the fulfilment of Isaiah 54:3 given in 2007, when God called and promised, "you are going to resettle abandoned cities".
This is the year we dreamed about, prayed for, invested in and looked forward to for fourteen years. 
This is our time to shine on the hill with an invitation that reflects the heart of heaven, that the doors of the Kingdom of God are wide open for whoever would come. 

I was reminded this week of Luke 15 and the three parables Jesus told about the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. In each story, there is great rejoicing about something lost being found. God leads the celebration for every sinner who repents, and this is particularly evident in the welcome home party the Father threw for his lost son who was found. It came afresh to me that we are going to have so many 'found parties' this year.

People who come to church after a long period away,
others coming home for the first time,
young people finding a place to call home and invite their friends to,
and people testifying to Jesus in baptism in the greatest found party on earth!

If I could borrow a lyric from a pop song, 'it's time to get the party started!' Coming up on the 7th of February is our 14th birthday. I had hoped it would be our first service in the new building, but final approvals on water and sewer are moving slower than we hoped. I guess we have learned patience after all these years, so another week or two won't dampen our spirits. Rather, let's start praising God now as a rhythm that continues all through the year.

Pastor Leigh gave us word this week, that was straight from the Lord as we get ready to celebrate our fourteenth birthday. Isaiah 40:3 but I also included the preceding verses for context. 

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
    and he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
    out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
    and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
    They will put their trust in the Lord.

We have new songs to sing this year. Songs of praise to God. Songs to celebrate being found by Jesus. Songs that reveal the glory, power and love of God. Songs that awaken our hearts to the Holy Spirit's presence. Songs to respond to God's word and call on our lives. Songs for the valley and songs for the mountian. 

I stood in the new auditorium this week also, and heard our new sound system being tested for the first time. I was overwhelmed as I imagined what it's going to be like when we are gathered together worshipping the King of Kings. I can hardly wait! We have some incredible new songs to release early this year. Songs that fit this new beginning for The Grove. 

This Sunday I am looking forward to starting a 3 week series inspired by Psalm 40, called a new song. Three Psalms that I pray will become new songs in all our hearts for 2021. 

Looking forward to singing and serving with you in 2021!

Pastor Marty