On Easter Sunday I called my sermon 'Get used to Different', a line I stole from The Chosen series. The scene from season 1, is one of my favourites. When Jesus called Matthew the tax collector to follow him, Peter questioned Jesus' choice because tax collectors were traitors of the Jewish people. He started to say how that was different to what he imagined Jesus would do, and Jesus responded with the line, "Get used to different".
While that phrase isn't in the gospels, it's certainly there as a dominant theme. Jesus didn't fit into cultural norms, or anyone's preferences of how he should act. Jesus came to this world to make a difference in people's lives. When Jesus calls us to follow him, he really is calling us to get used to different because we can't stay the same walking with him in life. The moment we put walls around what Jesus wants to change, is the moment we get stuck in the sameness of life and stall in our faith. But who wants the same, when Jesus wants us to be different?
Since we opened the doors of the new building, there seems to be a new work of the Holy Spirit as Jesus makes a difference in our lives. I have had many conversations where folks have shared how things are shifting for them. A new awareness of God, a greater experience of his love, a deeper sense that something fresh is building among us. Those who share these things are not people who don't have struggles or challenges, but quite the opposite. What's happening externally is different to what's happening in the heart. It's as though many are open and inviting Jesus to make a difference in them. Well Jesus can do nothing but change hearts like that. And if more and more surrender to his work, that spreads in a church and more and more are caught up in a movement of the Holy Spirit.
As we enter Term 2, I pray that as a church we would get used to different. That each Sunday we would come to church, expectant and open to God. That we would look for different people to welcome and connect with. That we would jump into something different, that maybe we pushed back on in the past. Jesus loves us so much, and he has so much freedom and life to offer everyone. Perhaps one of these lines might be your different:
- "I am going to get into a connect group this term and engage with others around the Bible."
- "I am going to attend a prayer meeting regularly to stand in the gap for our church and community."
- "I am signing up for the baptism class to find out if Jesus is calling me."
- "I am jumping into Alpha to explore all my questions."
- "I am going to ask for prayer after a service."
- "I am going to invite someone to church or Alpha."
- "I am going to tell my work collegue about the difference Jesus has made in my life."
- "I am going to trust God with my finances and seek to live generously."
- "I am going to find out how I can serve God in the church."
- "I am going to make an appointment with a pastor to talk about what God is doing in my life and explore his leading."
- "I am going to restart a daily habit of reading my Bible and praying."
- "I am going to forgive that person and move on in my life."
- "I am going to admit my weakness and get help to overcome my addiction."
- "I am going to repent from that idol and seek Jesus and his Kingdom first."
- "I am going to start speaking and sending notes of encouragement to build up others as the Holy Spirit prompts me."
- "I am going to show God's love and friendship to that person who is alone."
- "I am going to help someone grow in their new faith by meeting with them and praying for them often."
- "I am going to research and take an interest about what God is doing through his church in the world"
I could keep writing sentences, but you get the drift. As term two begins, let's get used to different, be different and make a difference. Whatever Jesus is saying right now, let's say, "Yes Lord, I will follow you into different".
God bless,