Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

From Pastor Marty - Grove Care Call

Hi Grove family!


Over the next few weeks, our office staff are doing a call around to check how everyone is going. It’s been almost five weeks since we have gathered as a church, and while there has been various catchups through online prayer meetings and connect groups, we would love to personally talk to everyone for a number of reasons.


  1. At The Grove we believe people matter. So our first reason for the call is to simply check how you are going in the current crisis and see if there is anything we can help with, or pray for you about. 
  2. We would like to gain a clearer understanding of how the online services and online parts of ministry are connecting with you. There are always some great blessings and benefits, but there are other aspects that may not work as well for everyone. It will be so helpful for our ministry to receive your feedback.
  3. We would like to give you an opportunity to ask questions. The person calling may not be able to answer them all, but can connect you with the relevant person or get back to you with the information you need.
  4. We also would like to gather information about people in isolation in our church family or connected to us who may need a care package, hamper or some encouragement.  
  5. Finally, the call will also provide an opportunity to update communication details with us, like email or mobile numbers.


Ros and Sandy will make the majority of these calls, but may first text you to see when a good time to have a short conversation might be. We pray our church care call will be a blessing to you and us.

