From Pastor Marty
Term 4 begins in a few days, and I am so faith filled about all that is ahead. Nathan Moore, from our worship ministry leadership, wrote these inspiring words to the worship team:

We are all very much looking forward to the not-so-distant future when we are able to start our services in the new building, but until that time God has a really great season for our church and for the worship team over the coming three months. There is something very meaningful happening right now and I believe if we are able to press in and allow God to use us in a new and powerful way, we will see something birthed in our Church that has not happened before! And we will be an integral part of that!

So good Nathan! God is moving and opening new doors, and the next three months is a season to not observe, but to lean in and open our lives up to Jesus. A fitness instructor once said, if you want to be where you have never been before, you need to do what you have never done before. I pray many of us would step into new practices to position ourselves for the new things God is doing among us. 

One of those practices is prayer. For the final 12 weeks of 2020, we have opened a virtual prayer room. The times are in the prayer promotion, but this could be that 'something new' to embrace. You might think praying with others is a confronting thing to do. It's really the opposite. You won't get a more encouraging place to be, or more loving group to join with. Prayer is for everyone. Our virtual prayer room opens with a deep value of grace, acceptance, and there is never an expectation to pray out loud. We believe simply being there is an expression of faith that God loves to bless and work through.

So come and pray with us. There are also two gathered prayer meetings on Wednesday at 7am and Friday at 11.30am. These are both next to the church property. Finally you can download our weekly prayer guide as we follow themes across the 12 weeks. Link in newsletter. 

I remember my old pastor used to quote this many times. No prayer no power, little prayer little power, much prayer much power. Lets enter 3 months of much prayer. Each week we will also make available the weekly theme and some tips for how to journal, see below for this weeks.

May God bless you today!