Over 400 people attended our three Easter services last weekend, and many more watched the live streams. We give thanks to God for the opportunity we had to share about our wonderful Saviour Jesus, God's love expressed through the cross, and the everlasting hope of the empty tomb. Thankyou also to our worship and tech teams, and to all who served to welcome and serve people. God’s presence was so evident as many gathered and responded to all that was said and done. Praise God for $2,150 given to Ferny Grove High chaplaincy at our Good Friday offering. May these funds sown into the next generation bear fruit as young hearts are offered love and hope.  


It was a massive joy and highlight to baptize Chris and Mel Goopy at the 8am Easter Sunday service. Our first baptisms in the new baptistry! They shared stories of God’s amazing work and grace in their lives, and how he opened their hearts to the reality of Jesus and the cross, which resulted in their salvations. Chris and Mel both spoke about how significant Alpha was in their spiritual searching. Chris said, 


Mel and I were introduced to the Alpha course in 2018 where we were able to ask many questions and have explained the difference between Christianity and religion and it all started to make sense - you don’t have to be an expert on the Bible, it’s simple, for John 3:16  states ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’


It was at the end of the 8-week Alpha course I said a prayer…on Pentecost Sunday and I made a personal commitment to following God. 


Today I make that commitment public by being baptised. Both Mel and I are extremely blessed to be able to make this commitment together on this very special day. 


In early term 2 we are holding an Alpha course and a baptism class. In the newsletter you can register for the Alpha dessert night on the 21st of April for yourself, or to bring a friend with you. Also, you are welcome to RSVP for the baptism class on the 25th of April. There is nothing better than following Jesus, who makes such an incredible difference in our lives. May God lead more and more to respond to his call this year.


As God grows our church, and more individuals and families make The Grove their spiritual home, term 2 is an opportune moment to rise up and invest our lives and resources in the Kingdom here. There are so many new opportunities to make a difference. 


This term Henry, our Youth and Young Adults Pastor, is launching a PM service led by young adults. We are so faith filled and expectant about all God is planning to do in the next generation. The night service will create a hub for them to come together to worship, hear God speak, and form a new congregation and community. May we see many young lives transformed by the Holy Spirit, baptized and commissioned to reach their generation. 


Along with Pastor Leigh, we are also praying God would raise up more to lead our children. We have such amazing spaces now. The new Sprouts room for little ones in their early years. And the Grove Kids rooms, where kids will learn about how awesome Jesus is and his great love for them. Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belong to such as these (Luke 18:16). Kids are at the very heart of the Kingdom, may we remove every barrier for them to come to Jesus.  


There are many other ways for people to mesh their lives with others for the sake of the gospel. Check out the ministry list in our newsletter, and pray asking Jesus to guide you. If you are new to The Grove, some things everyone can do straight away:


  • Come regularly to church to worship, and stay after to get to know others.
  • Remain open to God for him to work in your heart in a new way.
  • Volunteer for a servant task to help maintain our church building and grounds.
  • Join a connect group, or attend a prayer meeting.
  • Contribute financially.
  • Come to our next newcomers' lunch (date out soon).


Things are shifting as God is moving in many hearts and lives. May we embrace the opportune moment to be different as he Jesus works in us, and to make a difference as we respond to his call.  


God bless,
