As I prepare for the Grand Opening service, I couldn’t think of a more fitting day for it to fall on than Pentecost Sunday. The day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus said in Acts 1:8,


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”    


In the 2000 years since Jesus spoke these words, tens of millions of churches have been planted across the earth, empowered by the Holy Spirit as witnesses to him – one of those is The Grove. Our local church was born in 2007 in two suburbs without any churches. Our fourteen-year pioneering call is completed this Sunday, as we officially declare our church home open for the glory of God. 


I am looking forward to sharing some of The Grove's story. Worshipping King Jesus in a full house. And it will be a joy to have the chair of the QB board and our sending pastor Peter Sweetman share an encouragement. Also, the QB Director of the Movement, Jason Elsmore, will pray the prayer of dedication. 


Our grand opening also marks the beginning of a new era, and the birth of new life that I believe God will pour out among us. At Alpha this week I was so encouraged as one person shared about how much Jesus is doing in their lives since coming to The Grove this year. At the end of the session which was on prayer, we all prayed together and the Holy Spirit led. People started praying for Jesus glory to be powerfully seen by all at the grand opening. One person prayed for a gushing of the Holy Spirit, like that of a champagne bottle that is shaken and shaken and then suddenly the cork pops! These examples are just some of many that reveal faith and expectation is building in our hearts. 


Following the grand opening is 21 days of prayer for revival. The timing of this can only be from the Holy Spirit. The first thing we do after the official opening is to fill God’s house with prayer. I encourage everyone to take part in the 21 days that I believe will be one of the most powerful seasons in the life of our church. There will be Sunday sermons, connect group studies, daily devotions, families, youth and kids resources and prayer meetings. May we be astonished as we see people and families changed, and revival come as we call on the name of Jesus.  


We all long for Jesus to breakthrough in our nation and in the lives of those we love. We see the darkness causing so much damage, and have arrived at a place of desperation for the glory, presence and power of God to turn things around. The Holy Spirit is moving, and he is calling us to play our part in prayer. I am totally convinced he wants to use The Grove as a church that offers recovery into whoelness, freedom from sin and captivity, and calling into purpose for all who come. These things are all found in Jesus for whose glory we exist, and in whose name we trust. We open and dedicate the building and the church on Sunday to be used for the coming revival we pray for. 


God bless,
