I remember starting high school as one of the shortest kids in my grade, but finishing as one of the taller ones. It felt great finally looking my age, and a relief to not be mistaken for a child at 15! But sudden growth produces growing pains. My new lanky body was awkward at first, but more importantly to me, I needed a new wardrobe! Enter my parents. As one of five, I guess it was them who felt the growing pains the most. I think thats why mum learned to sew!  


It occurred to me recently, that we are experiencing  growing pains as a church. It feels great to finally have our new building officially open, and to welcome many new people into the body of Christ. There is a fresh wind of God's Spirit blowing, and we are joyful about our coming of age as a church. At the same time, we can feel awkward as we try to find our feet in this growing season. For those who are newer, it takes time to form deeper connections, tap into the heartbeat of the church and put your roots down. For others who are longer term, the church family feels different in a new place, with more people and changing structures.


Its this mix of freshness and awkwardness that is usually part of transitioning into new growth and greater opportunities. As a church we are getting used to ministry in a new building, while also waiting on God for his directions for the next stage of the journey. Growing pains can sometimes be confused as a negative experience because change makes us feel uncomfortable, less secure and sometimes even a little lost. However, growing pains are actually healthy and positive because it shows God is stretching us and enlarging our capacity for more blessing, increased wholeness and greater Kingdom influence.  


Jesus taught a parable about old and new wineskins (Luke 5:37-38). He said you can't put new wine into old wineskins, because the skins won't stretch as the wine matures and expands. The skins will burst and the wine will be wasted. You only pour new wine into new wineskins, because the skins stretch with the expanding wine. The point Jesus was making was that the old covenant based on the law, could not hold the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the new covenant opened up through Jesus death and resurrection. In application, we can only be filled with the Holy Spirit if we have a new heart, and we only recieve a new heart by dying to our old life, and recieving Jesus through trusting fully in him. 


We are praying for revival for 21 days, which is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit beyond anything we have seen before. Part of preparing for revival is to open up our hearts to God for him to change us. Some people aren't attracted to revival because of that word, change. Changing is uncomfortable, its painful, and for that reason they might avoid the season and potentially waste the new wine. Yet for others, they are too heartbroken by the damage of darkness, and the lostness of our nation to pass up this opportunity. They are aware of their own brokeness, and desperate and wide open to God stretching and expanding them for his new grace filled work. Growing pains are expected, yet not negative but nessesary when the Spirit of God moves in a person or a church. 


The Grove is experiencing growing pains because Jesus has us right where he wants us. He has given us a new physical structure to make room for a growing family as he saves, changes lives and brings them in. He is also wanting to create in us a new heart, one with plenty of room to be filled with his life and love that will totally transform our lives, our families, and our church, reflecting the brilliance of Jesus glory. 


This Sunday is the final week of our 21 days, focussing on the theme preparing for revival. Our Youth and Young Adults pastor, Henry, will kick it off preaching at our 9.30am and 5.30pm services. The final weeks devotional readings are excellent, and will lead us each personally. But on the 18th-20th of June is the final weekend where we are holding a prayer retreat, worship and prayer meeting and concluding with a statewide zoom meeting live from The Grove at 7pm. Whether you are new to The Grove or longer term, let's leave behind old wineskins and stretch out our hearts and gather in the building for new wine from heaven. Revive us Lord. Amen.



1 Comment | Add Your Comment

  1. Phillip Mansfield 11 Jun, 2021

    '..create in us a new heart, one with plenty of room to be filled with his life and love that will totally transform our lives, our families, and our church, reflecting the brilliance of Jesus glory' - Love this so much Marty - Thank you for sharing. Revive us Lord indeed!