Dear church family,

I want to let you know about a significant administration staffing change that is happening early in term 4. 


Ros Corke

After almost fifteen years working at The Grove, and close to fifteen years working at Bridgeman Baptist before that, Ros Corke is retiring. For nearly three decades Ros has served Jesus local church, planted in two locations from their beginning through to building and beyond. Ros has been one of the most humble and faithful servants I have ever served alongside. Her genuine love, godly wisdom and unquenchable kindness has been an incredible gift from the Holy Spirit to our church family. 


I have worked with Ros for the last twenty years in a staff team, and are so full of thanks to God for her contribution. Leanne and I praise God for the incredible support she and Trevor have been throughout our ministry. While its hard to imagine not working with Ros anymore, we are faithfilled for what Jesus has next for Ros as a grandma, and for the new opportunities to serve in the body of Christ at The Grove down the track. 


Mel Goopy

The other news I have to share, is about the next person who will join the team as The Grove’s Administration Coordinator. That person is Melinda Goopy. For the last ten years, Mel has worked as the Corporate Services Manager of SPELD QLD, a not-for-profit organization that supports people with learning difficulties. In her role Mel coordinates all of the SPELD administration, manages their events, is the IT help desk person and supports individuals and families who are dealing with significant challenges. Mel is also part way through a Bachelor of Business: Commerce, Marketing and HR. 


It is remarkable the way God has led us to Mel, and Mel to this position at The Grove. Mel and Chris were our first baptisms in the new building on Easter Sunday. Their lives have been turned around by Jesus in recent years, and Mel has been sensing God calling her to something new. Both Ros and I had independently thought about Mel for the administration position, and the timing could not be more God ordained. The church council selected a committee to oversee the interview and employment process, which returned with an overwhelming affirmation of Mel Goopy for the role starting at two days a week. 


Mel has a great heart for Jesus, his church and brings with her high-level experience, skills and leadership that will be a blessing to The Grove for the next stage of our growth and mission. 



Mel starts in her role on Tuesday the 12th of October, when Ros will handover. On Sunday the 10th of October, we will honour and give thanks for Ros, and commission Mel during our service. Both ladies will share how God has been leading them into this new season in their lives. I pray many would come out to encourage Ros and Mel in this significant moment in our church. 


We praise our great King Jesus for once again leading us into a future where many peoples lives will be changed by his love and grace.     


God raised him (Jesus) from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence (Ephesians 1:20-23 MSG).


God bless,
