This past Sunday, 8 November 2020, was Orphan Sunday.  Over the years different churches and organisations have used Orphan Sunday to raise awareness and stand up for orphans and children in foster care around the world.  There is probably no group of people more vulnerable than children without the protection of adults.  The Grove feels privileged to support the work of Mully Children’s Family (MCF), an organisation caring for orphans in Kenya.  Check out the attached 4-minute video to hear an update on how MCF is faring during COVID-19 and sharing God’s love in their corner of the world:


Wycliffe World Day of Prayer meetings are taking place this weekend. You may be able to attend one of the following:

MANSFIELD (Southern & Eastern Brisbane): Sat 14th Nov, 9am until noon.  Christian Reformed Church,
421 Wishart Rd, Wishart. Hosted by François 0419623397. Numbers not limited. BYO eats. Or join us on zoom  or Meeting ID: 289 754 9986

DECEPTION BAY (North Brisbane): Sat 14th Nov, 9:30 to 1pm. Richard and Linda Buchanan, 37 Leonie Street, Deception Bay. BYO lunch if you wish to continue fellowship. Limited to 20 – call Richard to confirm presence: 0402472786