As we prepare to open the new church building, this is also a time to open our hearts for all the amazing things God has in store for 2021!


This week Jason Elsmore, our newly appointed QB Director, will be speaking on moving immovable mountains. In part of his message he mentions Caleb, one of the twelve spies sent out by Moses to examine the land God was giving them. Most of the spies came back to report that indeed the land was flowing with milk and honey, but there were also powerful, fortified cities around it which would make it impossible to conquer. Caleb silenced the crowd and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Num 13:30). 

Was this sheer soldier bravado, was it kamikaze-style thinking?  I think it was something more powerful – it was 100% faith in God.


Caleb had witnessed God free Israel from slavery.  He had walked on dry land in the Red Sea, with walls of water on either side. He had seen how God had washed away the enemies that were chasing them with one blow. He had seen water come from a rock when there was nothing to drink. He had seen God provide manna and quail when there was nothing to eat. He had seen, and probably helped set up the Tabernacle and seen the glory of God surround the place day and night.


Caleb saw the enormity of the things ahead, but also had experienced firsthand the power of His God. Next Sunday we will be worshipping in a new building – it will be a new thing! It will be exciting, it will be memorable! As we step forward into this new venture, let us never forget all the things we have seen God do firsthand and may we step forward with something so powerful - 100% faith in God. He can truly move immovable mountains! 


May this be our witness next week as we gather to worship in His presence. May this be your hope as you continue to pray for friends and family to invite into this place.




Ps Leigh