You have probably heard someone say, “well, it’s a good problem to have.” What is a good problem? It’s when something you hoped for is happening, which also requires changes to manage it. We have a few good problems at the moment, due to our growth as a church. 


The first good problem is our car park is almost full at our 9.30am services. That means new people may not find a spot, and will have to navigate their way to our overflow car parking at the sports field. An initial solve of this good problem, is for some from The Grove to park next door a couple of Sundays a month. That should free up spaces every week, and serve those the Lord is bringing along.  


The second good problem is that the children coming to Grove Kids, is now greater than the size of our teams needed to lead them. What joy fills our hearts to see and hear children in our church! “Let the little children come to me”, said Jesus. To solve this good problem we are praying Jesus would call more to serve our kids, and also during this season of prayer, we are asking the Lord to reveal the person he is calling to join the pastoral team with a focus on families. 


The third good problem to have, is how more people means more help is needed to prepare and clean our venue. We are looking for people to join our Venue Team to setup chairs, and prepare spaces for ministry on a Sunday, and sometimes during the week. We also need more to join our church cleaning roster and help us keep this wonderful spiritual home sparkling. If you would like to help solve this good problem, let us know via Next Steps.


The fourth good problem relates to welcoming and hospitality. We need to increase our welcome teams for car park, the door and ushering. We also need more in our morning tea team, and available to help in the kitchen for occasional meals and events. Via our Next Steps QR code, you can find the link to serving at The Grove to express your interest. People matter to God and they matter to us. 


We praise our great God for good problems as he works among us, and more and more come to discover the love, grace and hope found in Jesus. May our good problems only increase as we let our light shine, so that people see our good deeds and praise 

our Father in Heaven (Matt 5:16).

