For the next couple of weeks all eyes will be on the Paris Olympics. It will be wonderful to focus on a global event that promotes unity in a world that seems so full of division. Every day we read about suffering caused by wars that don’t end, and tensions erupting around national elections. People fight each other, relationships fracture, and children grow up witnessing things they never should.  


It’s hard to imagine, but try to think about the world where everyone loves their neighbour as themselves. Where forgiveness is offered quickly, love is freely shared, and where all people feel safe and free. Imagine unspeakable joy and the deepest of peace because there is no fear but only acceptance, belonging and generosity. It’s hard to imagine, but if we try we get a glimpse into the beauty of heaven. 


A few weeks ago I had something like a vision. I was imagining this outpouring of God’s blessing into a vessel that represents The Grove. The vessel had four characteristics that enabled us to catch and distribute God’s grace into the people and neighbourhood around us. I attempted to draw what I imagined which was not awesome! But I managed to create four digital views of a vessel to explain what Jesus impressed on my heart. I shared these at our team and vision night, as biblical values that position us to steward an outpouring of God’s power and love through service.   

(pic of vessels)


The word humility means low to the ground. Jesus demonstrated humility through becoming human, serving people, washing feet and being obedient to death on a cross to save us. John Dickson gave this definition. Humility is the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself. Let’s follow Jesus example to go low, serve and lift others up. 



Character matters more than ability. When we serve people without hidden agendas, pretence, or self centred motives, we offer them genuine love and safety. Integrity isn’t about perfection but authenticity. Jesus taught that the pure in heart will see God (Matt 5:8). If we are clear vessels, not only will people see and experience Jesus through us, we will see Jesus glory with an unclouded view. 



God is looking to fill the cups of those open to be transformed by his power, shaped by his word and available to make a difference. There is a growing hunger for God in our city, but that hunger needs to be even greater in the church. When our hearts, minds, time and resources are available to Jesus, then we become conduits of his transforming power, healing and provision into a broken and lost world.  



A cup won’t hold water if there are cracks in it, which is why the devil seeks to cause division in churches. But when we are quick to forgive and seek to be peacemakers, James called it godly wisdom which strengthens unity and produces a harvest (James 3:13-18). When the mission of God really matters to us, we will seal up cracks so that we don’t leak and dry up, but instead fill up and overflow


Leanne and I are so grateful to be part of a church family where humility, integrity, availability and unity are clearly evident. But we also pray with you that God would only increase the quality and size of our vessel that is low to the ground, clear, open and water tight. A greater outpouring is coming, and may we be ready to catch and distribute grace to many, so that God’s Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


Pastor Marty