The photo on the front cover of the newsletter is being called the shot of the Olympics from photographer Jérôme Brouillet. 3x world-champion surfer Gabriel Medina appears to defy gravity, walking upon clouds, emerging from a barrel wave off the coast of Tahiti.
To caption this amazing, unedited shot on Instagram for his 12m followers, the Brazilian Christian surfer chose a simple, single Bible verse: “Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece” (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13)
I always love it when Christian athletes use their fame to point to Jesus. Gabriel wasn’t actually walking on clouds, but he was using the illusion to point to something that’s real and available for everyone. God is able to give us strength in all circumstances in life.
Paul wrote that verse from prison, as the conclusion to a paragraph in which he shared the secret of being content with plenty or with little. Paul was seeking to bring encouragement to his many readers whose circumstances might be difficult, and who are uncertain about the future. They too can find strength in Christ, and contentment in life, even though they feel weak and in great need. It’s a supernatural thing, like walking on clouds or water, to experience the presence of God take over and lift us up to feel strong in all situations.
Last week in the Everyday Disciple series we studied Ephesians 4:11-16 and considered another supernatural work that God does in us. Jesus gives his followers spiritual gifts to build up the church and serve the world with. Many things can drain us in life and service, but when we use these special gifts, they zap rather than sap energy.
I have been leading two Alpha courses this term, and I always feel energized discussing the message and hope of Jesus with others who are seeking answers. Others will testify to the same experience when they activate their gifts, whether it’s the gift of mercy, faith, administration, service, giving, craftsmanship, hospitality, teaching…the list goes on. When we use our gifts, the Holy Spirit puts the wind in our sails.
You may or may not know your spiritual gift, but you can take a quick free test by visiting this url. We did this together at our staff meeting, then spent time sharing our results with the team and praying for each person. You might like to do that with your connect group, or with some other Christian friends. Our pastoral team are always available for you to make an appointment if you would like to explore your gifts with us, and how you could use them.
Sometimes we can feel drained by trying to be who we are not, or do what we are not gifted for. Of course we all have things to do that are not as natural for us, and which are part of our calling and responsibilities. But it’s usually the case that God’s calling on us will accompany the gift he placed in us. May we all know the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, as we trust Christ in all circumstances and activate our gifts in service.