It’s an incredibly difficult time for us as a church after Riley Mansfield went home with Jesus so young and so suddenly. Riley is loved by so many people, and no more than his beautiful family – Phill, Fiona, Chloe, Jordan and Amber. In this extremely hard season, the Lord has also been speaking very clearly through his word. Some words in particular are why we are setting apart 30 days of prayer and worship in the month of October. 


Riley’s dad Phill was journaling one very hard morning Philippians 4:6, and his phoned buzzed with the verse of the day, Philippians 4:6. 


'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. '(Philippians 4:6-7).


Then on the day of Riley’s committal and celebration services, Phil read the final entry in Riley’s journal. Psalm 51:10, Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Again, the Bible app verse of that significant day was Psalm 51:10. 


That same day I was to lead Riley’s services, the Encounter with God reading was about the death and burial of Moses in Deuteronomy 34. The context got my attention. Naturally there are some clear differences between Riley and Moses, and historical details unique to Moses story. But what struck me is how Moses was still strong in body when he died. We don’t know how he died. We know he spoke with God face to face more than anyone else in an intimate friendship. And the commentary mentioned how Moses appeared on the mount of transfiguration, still face to face with his friend in the ultimate eternal promised land. 


Then this; the Israelites set apart 30 days to mourn before setting out to enter the Promised land. I had been seeking to discern the next season for The Grove after such a difficult loss, which is why the 30 days seemed significant.  


The celebration service for Riley was very powerful, with the love and presence of God poured out on all who attended. There were many testimonies from people including those who don’t yet know Jesus, of how they felt a love that was beyond anything they had experienced before. There was something almost transfiguration like, where Jesus was revealing his glory and grace to many people. 

In reflection on that service, I couldn’t shake this feeling that this isn’t the end, but the beginning of something. I wasn’t ready to just move on, not only because of my personal grief, but I sensed God remind me of the 30 days. In honour of Riley’s heart of worship, I believe he is calling us to make room to pray and worship for the month of October. 


This time will include space to mourn for those who are mourning. But it will also be a time for us to pray as a church for one another. To worship God in spirit and in truth, and ask Jesus to reveal his glory and grace. It will be a time for anxiety to be replaced with peace. It will be a moment where God will create a pure heart and right spirit within us as come humbly before him. We will ask for the light of Jesus to break like a morning sun on all who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to be led into peace with God.


This season is also an important time to comfort others, and to express the love of God. How beautiful it was to see the church loving all who grieve at the celebration service with practical kindness. I couldn’t be more thankful as a pastor for the family of God here. We have experienced loss before and its formed something so deep and unbreakable among us. In such times it shines again as beauty among ashes, lifting people up and bringing hope when times seem dark.


I must admit I have had some dark moments in this time, when all I could see was loss in my family and our church. Ruins, sorrow, a big hit on our worship team, and even a drop in our budget. I wanted to just wake up from this bad dream. I wondered how all these broken pieces could be put back together. Perhaps that’s how Nehemiah felt after receiving the report the walls of Jerusalem were broken down. The people were already suffering so much loss, but now they were vulnerable to even more invasion without secure walls. 


But then I discovered again, that the love of God is the greatest strength and hope in dark times. God’s love, so often expressed through his people, fills us up. Love brings incredible strength, and renews hope and builds faith in those who might otherwise despair. There is so much love in this church, and I know the Mansfields testify to how loved they have been. If not for the love of God, these things might crush us, but this 30 days is creating an opportunity for the love and power of God to be poured out in prayer, worship, and through ministering one to another. This will be a gift and safe refuge in this hard season. They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength (Isa 40:31).  


Your brother, 
