I am so thankful God led us to set aside thirty days to pray and worship. Our first prayer and worship night on Wednesday was like a taste of heaven as Levi, Beth and Chloe led us in worship, and Henry through prayer. Of the many things the Lord is doing in this deep season, the clearest experience is an outpouring of God’s love into our hearts and church. 


The Lord is very near to us in a special way at the moment. Especially as we gather in his place of worship. I sometimes use the term, a thin place, as though heaven and earth are in extra close proximity. It feels so safe, peaceful and comforting to be in God’s house. His love is always present of course, but it's like an immersion in love. Maybe this is like what Paul prayed for in Ephesians 3:17-19, part of the  prayer we’ve been praying for The Grove this year.


I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.'


It seems this prayer is being answered, as God reveals his love and fills us up. There is actually story after story of people encountering this divine love, and opening their hearts to Jesus in new ways. Perhaps we need to make the connection to the next part of Paul’s prayer. 


God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us (v20). 


The powerful work within our lives and church, is God seeing our deep need of him and filling us with his immeasurable love, so that it pours out of us in immeasurable quantity. He placed us in a neighbourhood where love is often lost, hearts are broken and people are lonely. We are being filled up now in our loss, to love our neighbour with a love than never runs dry, that heals the broken hearted and brings the lonely and left out into God’s family. 


There are some ways to express God’s love in this season. Next Sunday we bring our shoeboxes for operation Christmas Child to share love beyond borders. During prayer last Wednesday, we sensed God leading us to schedule an Alpha course for November. We want to create a space where all who are opening their hearts to Jesus can explore the greatest love story ever told. Finally, on the last Sunday of our 30 days a baptism is being planned. With the 

pool filled up maybe there are more who are ready to testify to how God’s 

love saved them, and their love for him. Talk to a pastor if that is you. 


Love in Christ, Marty