Around 50 people attended last Wednesday’s prayer and worship night. It’s hard to describe the experience, but it was like being both surrounded and immersed in God’s presence. Psalm 46, which Pastor Mel shared to focus our prayer, gives us the language we are searching for in two powerful metaphors – a refuge and a river.



God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Ps 46:1


A refuge is a strong and secure place to run to in a storm. God is surrounding and strengthening his church in a special way in this season. I also sense that what God is doing has future implications. The Grove is called to increasingly be a place of refuge in our neighbourhood for people suffering in the storms of life. 



There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Ps 46:4-5


Wherever a river flows, there is abundant life and fruitfulness. The Holy Spirit was called a stream of living water by Jesus (Jn 7:38), flowing from within those who have put their trust in Christ. The volume and current of this river are growing in this season, and if we look downstream with the eyes of faith, we can imagine what the Lord will do. The thirsty will find fulfillment in Jesus. The fearful will find joy as the Holy Spirit renews and fills them. The spiritually dead will come to life as they confess Jesus as King and Saviour. 


A refuge and a river. These are powerful metaphors and signs of God dwelling among his people. Therefore, our call is to represent the Lord of Psalm 46 as a church in our neighbourhood. Here are some practical ways we can be like a refuge and a river:


  • With more people coming, consider talking to those you haven’t met before on a Sunday, and introduce them to others as well. Connections bring security and strength for all of us. 

  • Our car park is filling up, so if you are able to park next door some Sundays to make room for new people, that expresses our welcome and prepares for Jesus to bring more people home.

  • Join in the prayer life of the church so we can lift people in our church and neighbourhood up to Jesus. There is no better way to bring help and peace for people in storms than a praying church.

  • We are baptising people on the 27th of October at both our services. For some this is the time to be baptised. For others it’s to invite friends to come along. May the river flow deep and wide.  

  • Alpha starts in November, so be praying about who you could invite. Has there ever been a better moment for this after so much prayer, and God’s Spirit powerfully at work. 

  • Help strengthen The Grove by investing your life and resources in Jesus’ church

             here. May we strengthen others and be channels of blessing and love to many. 


We are surrounded by and immersed in the Lord our God. 
