Navigating complex seasons of life can be confusing and draining. Yet we do not navigate these times alone when we follow Jesus. He is able to give us wisdom and strength to guide and sustain us along every section of life’s journey. I have been learning this in new ways over the last year, and I know I am not alone. 


God’s word is priceless as the highest source of wisdom to guide us in life and faith. As I prepare for our Saturday Summit, I feel so grateful for the many scriptures God has guided The Grove with. A few weeks ago, I shared about the woman at the well in John 4, which draws on a larger theme Jesus has been speaking so clearly to us about. We are called to share Jesus love and message with anyone, anywhere, anytime. The missional edge of the church is every person reaching others one at a time. 


This triple A vision unfolds in how we live our lives every day in the places we live, work and play. Of special significance, I will have shared on Saturday about how this impacts on our service in teams and as volunteers at The Grove. We are in a unique season of growth and opportunity as a church, and doing for the one, what we would do for the many, is the key to Jesus grace reaching more and more people of all ages. 


Jason Elsmore, the Director of our QB movement, will have shared at our Saturday Summit as well. In a conversation with Jason, I am super excited to hear his presentation. The Lord has given him 5 signs for the Australian church. I don’t want to steal Jason’s thunder, but I am so encouraged by how these signs dovetail with what the Holy Spirit is saying to The Grove. And for memorability, Jason will be bringing 5 massive props, so we don’t forget these signs!


God’s wisdom is priceless and his strength totally vital for Jesus’ mission to set many people free. With all the opportunities for the church in 2025, we need power beyond ourselves. We have an enemy who will attempt to spoil what Jesus is doing. To drain us of power, to attack our unity and attempt to discourage our efforts. But we will not be deceived or overcome, which is why we pray as a church. This week Mel has written some prayer notes on the Armour of God. Let’s stay alert, armour up and receive the powerful refilling of the Holy Spirit each day. Love is the greatest power in this world, and nothing can stop its flow from our Father through a people who are guided by God’s word, pray in the Spirit, and share Jesus life and love with 

anyone, anywhere, anytime. 


God bless, Marty