During the Christmas school holiday period, my youngest daughter decided to tackle a 500 piece Disney themed jigsaw puzzle. As she eagerly assembled the pieces, her excitement grew, as each one found its place, and piece by piece it was coming together. Everything was going well - until she reached the end and discovered a piece was missing!

In a way, we are all like pieces of a puzzle. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, Paul compares the body of Christ to a human body, emphasising that each part has a specific function essential to the whole. Our diversity serves a purpose, and it’s important that we work together for the good of the body.

This year already, I’ve seen the body of Christ work beautifully as we’ve stepped out in faith in the places God has positioned us. We’ve witnessed people step into leadership in various ministries and connect groups, we’ve seen many lovingly serve our local primary and high schools as well as our local aged care facility. Many young adults have stepped into leadership roles within our Youth and Kids Ministries, with five YA’s participating in Project 11 this year. And there are many who work together to support ministries and create spaces that are safe and inviting, both during the week and on Sundays. More recently, as we read over the page, we have seen how one person’s unique gift of design and carpentry was able to bless the body. All different areas, all different gifts, contributing to one body.

We are all vital pieces of the puzzle. Each person has been called by God for a reason. In verses 18-20, Paul states, “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, everyone one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”

Just this week, I witnessed this unity when a local school chaplain reached out, wanting to bless families in need with a hamper. A school chaplain reached out to the church, and because of the generosity of those who had already donated items, we were able to support these families in their immediate need. This wasn’t just one person blessing a family; it was a beautiful example of many working together to bless another. And what a blessing it is to be a piece of that puzzle!

Sometimes it’s easy to feel less important than those whose gifts are more visible. However, the Lord wants us to recognise our unique value; each of us is created with purpose and significance.

We are each a vital piece of a larger picture that isn’t complete without us. God has equipped every one of us to play an important role in the body of Christ, bringing

Him honour and glory. 


Our lives are a gift from God; let’s make it our gift back to Him!


God bless,
