Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. (Ephesians 6:18).


Paul wrote these words to the church in Ephesus from a Roman prison. It's obvious Paul not only valued the prayers, he deeply depended on them. You can sense the urgency in his request for prayer, that it wasn't just a one off isolated request.  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. All times, always, for all believers in all places. Has there ever been clearer teaching on the calling of prayer on the church than here? Let's pray.



  • Give thanks for the calling, gift and power of prayer. Praise God for answered prayer. Thank him that he always hears us and remembers what we pray. 
  • Pray in the Spirit by pausing and opening your heart to how the Holy Spirit is leading you to pray for someone, somewhere.
  • Pray about a particular issue or circumstance on your heart. If you are with a group, share this and pray for eachother.
  • Pray that God would make us aware of what is happening around us, and where he is moving in our midst. May we increase in our spiritual insight and wisdom to discern what is from God, and what is not. To know where we need to battle, and what we need to let go of and trust him for.
  • Pray for our church to remain persistent in prayer. That more would come and join others to pray weekly and stand in the gap for the many who depend on the prayer of the church. Ask the Lord to reveal the truth to more Christians that without prayer we cannot bear fruit and see the breakthrough we desire. May many respond to the Holy Spirit's call for desperate and persistent prayer.  
  • Pray for all believers everywhere. Think about a place in our nation or in the the world where churches and Christians need others churches to be praying today. Pray for them. Here are a few points but list others: 
    •  For the church in Myanmar, Burma, a nation in great darkness and difficulty.
    • For the church in India and Brazil as the nations hospitals are totally overwhelmed by COVID19 infection rates.
    • For the Indigenous community in Mount Isa, and the churches who seek to make a difference including Mount Isa Baptist and Isa Community Church.  
    • For followers of Jesus in the Middle East during Ramadan. Pray for Chris and Rach, and David and Karis. Pray for Christians who face pressure and persecution to be strengthened and for the light of the gospel to change many lives. 
    • For QB churches throughout our city and state. May King Jesus reign and bring wholeness, unity, a new passion for the gospel and for a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit through faith filled prayer. pray for revival. 
    • For followers of Jesus serving in the defence force. Give thanks for them and their families and the sacrifice and courage of thier calling. Pray for wisdom, and great encouragement and a powerful witness.