Prayer Notes – Preparing for Easter 2021


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17)


Praise and Thanks...

  • Give thanks that love inspired God to create the world and save the world. Praise him for a love that held nothing back in his pursuit of us, even his only son. 
  • Praise God for your salvation and worship the lamb who was slain so that we were not condemned but forgiven.


Praying again for people to accept the invitation to our Easter Services...

  • That many would sense the invitation from God to come to church at Easter, and that every attempt of the enemy to block the way to be overcome.
  • For those in our families and among our friends to join us at an Easter service. Pray for the right time to ask, and that God would open their hearts.
  • For many to tune into our live stream and for distractions to be limited so they can listen and respond. 


Praying for Easter Services... 

  • That God would bring a beautiful unity in the worship team and help them as they prepare, practise and minister in the services.
  • For those bringing testimonies - that God would reveal his love and life through them.
  • For Pastor Marty as he preaches on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, that the gospel would powerfully make its way into minds and hearts. 
  • For all those taking part in the creative and tech ministries to know God’s joy, anointing and protection on their lives.
  • For the love, peace and hope of God to be felt among us on Friday and Sunday, and that we would welcome all who come.
  • That God would protect us from the evil one and bring victory and life.
  • That some would cross over from death to life this Easter.
  • For people to sign up for the Alpha course in term 2.
  • For Jesus to be lifted high in our city and state through all churches. For the power of God to transform many lives.
  • For TV and media programs that share the message to impact many lives in our city and world.