Prayer Notes - Giving thanks to our Saviour

1 Peter 1:3

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”


Praise and Thanks...

  • That God sees each and every one of us on earth as His children. We give thanks for His love for everyone. No matter their background, past or present.
  • Praise for the gift of His Helper, the Holy Spirit in our lives, guiding and leading us even when we don’t see it.


Praying for our Easter responses...

  • That people would accept the gift of love they have been given by our Heavenly Father.
  • That people from the community, greater Brisbane and our nation would know what it means to experience a relationship with Jesus.
  • For the Holy Spirit to continue to guide us and lead us as we engage in intentional discipleship with those that make a decision to follow Christ.


Praying for Term 2...

  • Kids' ministry
    • For many kids to learn about the love that Jesus has for them.
    • For them to know what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.
  • Youth 
    • For the youth to gain wisdom and understanding of what walking with Jesus looks like.
    • That they can actually be a light to those in their family sharing the good news with them.
    • For God to show us what intentional discipleship looks like for a youth group.
  • Youth / Young adults Night service
    • For God to go before us and lead us in preparation for launching a night service.
    • That the church would be used as one body with many gifts and talents to give glory to our Heavenly Father.
  • For our community, that God would reach them wherever they are
  • For our nation, that revival will take place in people's hearts and we will see people rise up to share the love of Jesus to others.