• Give thanks that God loves everyone. That all people are made in his image and are equal in his sight. 
  • Think about worship in heaven right now from people of every nation, tribe and tongue. Praise God that we are part of a global family, saved purely by the grace of God through Christ.
  • Thank God for his vision of the church to reflect the heart of Jesus to welcome all people without prejudice.  


  • Ask forgiveness for the times we have shown favouritism to one over another because they benefit us more
  • Pray for the Lord to work in all our hearts to see each person through God's eyes
  • Pray that The Grove would be a safe and welcoming place for people to come from different backgrounds and cultures
  • Ask the Lord to weed out any judgemental spirit within us, and fill our hearts with mercy and grace towards all
  • Give us wisdom Lord to recognize the motivations of our words and actions towards others. Grow us in our love for one another, as you have loved us.
  • Help us Lord to develop humilty, not by thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less and others more. 
  • Pray that many lives would be transformed by the love of Jesus in the last months of 2021. Pray that people would be awakened to truth of God's love and rescued from the lies that tell them that God has favourites. 
  • Pray for the opportunity to show love to someone this week who we might avoid, find difficult or is unlikley to give us anything in return. 
  • Pray for our church family to find joy in others being blessed ahead of us.