• Praise the Lord for the mighty things he has done over the last year - opening the building, bringing new people, caring for us through COVID, saving and changing lives, his provision and answered prayers. 
  • Praise God for our church family. For every person's value and uniqueness and gifting and service. Thank Jesus for his love expressed through others, and for the privilege of serving others. 
  • Thank our Father for our kids and youth, and for the joy young people bring to our church. Thank him for the spaces we now have for them, and for all those who answer the high calling to invest in young hearts. 
  • Praise God for the gospel being shared; through our live stream, through special services, ministries like Mainly Music, youth and kids nights. And for the witness of God's people in work places, schools, streets and among family and friends.   


  • We seek provision of many things to fulfill the mission God calls us to - for ways to open up that are shut, for people and leaders to serve in teams, for finances to enable forward movement, for wisdom to know what to do, for more people to go out and share the gospel, for more people to join the church family.
  • Lets pray for the Lord's provision across all areas of the church. That we will not lack the people and resources we need to make a difference in 2022.
  • Pray especially for these immediate needs:
    • For more leaders for our growing Grove Kids ministry and Mainly Music. That more would hear Jesus call to let the little children come to him.
    • For more people to practically care for our property and building. That through cleaning, gardening, mowing and blowing we would present the the place of worship to honour Jesus and welcome people. 
    • For our finances, and especially our weekly general giving. That we would reach our $11,000 per week budget to reverse the deficit and supply our need to pay our loan, fund ministry, give to missions, and call another pastor to lead families and people at The Grove.     
  • Pray for those in our church family who need provision of jobs, resources, accommodation, and wisdom for decisions. 
  • Ask the Lord to open doors to make a greater impact for the gospel, for the youth camp to bear much fruit in young people's hearts, and for many salvations and baptisms in 2022. Make prodigals come home, and hard hearts softened. Open the heavens Lord and pour out your Spirit, and bring revival.