The Road Ahead - Part 2


Praise Points:

  • For all that our amazing God will do on the road ahead for The Grove
  • That the Lord has gone before us and prepared the way
  • For the word of God, and how he reveals his will to us as we listen
  • For the privilege and joy it is to journey life with Jesus, and be part of his plans to rescue a lost and hurting world
  • For Ros Corke's service in administration for almost 15 years at The Grove.


Prayer Points:

  • For powerful unity at the Road Ahead church conference next Saturday. Pray that Jesus speaks and reveals his plans and promises.
  • For Mel Goopy as she starts as Admin Coordinator next week.
  • For God to make a way in term 4 for the mission of The Grove and for many to come and find a spiritual home among us.
  • For provision of all the finances we need to meet our budget and complete the office fit-out
  • For the successful installation of the new church sign, and that God would use it to make us known as a place of hope and life in our community to all who drive by
  • For the Holy Spirit to open the road ahead for those who feel stuck in their life. Pray for those who are sick, who are struggling mentally and emotionally and relationally. May the Lord bringing healing and peace.
  • For our faith at work series, that God would teach us how to live our faith out in our workplaces. 
  • For those in times of trial to know God is testing their faith to purify it and reflect his character.