Read Isaiah 61:1-7 in The Message translation.


Let's spend time praising and giving thanks to God:

  • For Jesus, the fulfillment of Isaiah 61, and how he has transformed countless lives in ways described by the prophet.
  • For how God has changed our lives, turned mourning into joy, and annointed us for service in Jesus' name.
  • For The Grove and fourteen years of the Lord's favour over his church. Give thanks for his word that guided us, his love that held us together, and his Holy Spirit who empowered us to fulfill his calling.
  • For the people of the suburbs around us and God's love and purpose for them all. Gives thanks for the transformations that will take place this year in people who are yet to believe.

Let's spend time praying for a year of great favour:

  • That the Holy Spirit would annoint us for a new work to share the good news, heal the broken hearted and release many into new purpose for God.
  • For a constant flow of new people into The Grove, responding to their hunger and thirst for God.
  • For those mourning to be comforted and for sadness to turn to unspeakable joy in the Lord.
  • For broken lives and families and marriages to be rebuilt and restored. For the Holy Spirit to teach us how to minister in ways that bring lasting changes.
  • For a double portion of the Lord's blessing to redeem the troubles and suffering in God's name over our journey as a church.
  • For many new leaders and people to serve the body of Christ with humility, hunger for God and wisdom in 2021