READ LUKE 14:15-24

  • Give thanks to the Lord that he built us a spiritual home. Praise him for the privilege we have of serving his body, the church.
  • Pray that we would warmly welcome all who Jesus invites to come home at The Grove.
  • Pray that we would all learn to break out of our comfort zones to welcome those who are new at The Grove.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give us eyes to see people each week who need a welcome and encouragement.
  • Pray that we would invite people to come to church - those in our streets, in the laneways. Those in great need. 
  • May we learn from God new ways to show hospitality. Pray for the resources we need to fit out the kitchen in God's time.
  • May young people experience the welcome of Jesus as they find a place in the kids and youth ministries.
  • Pray that Jesus' house would be full of people coming to explore the gospel and may we all help others on their spiritual journey.
  • Pray that people would feel welcome from the street, to the carpark to the foyer to the seats. Help us Lord to be the kindest and most welcoming community. Pray that we would grow our teams of welcomers, carpark attendants and ushers.
  • Pray that many people would accept the invitation to come to church.