Praise and Thanks:

Ephesians 4:29
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


Praise and Thanks:

  • Praise God for the blessing of grandparents
  • Thanks for His continued blessing over us as a church
  • Praise God for the next generation and the salvation stories we are hearing
  • For God’s continued provision in the area of finance 
  • For all those who volunteer and serve here at The Grove


Prayer Points:

  • Pray that all grandparents would continue to be a blessing to those around them
  • Pray that God’s Word rests on our hearts this week as we spend quiet time with Him
  • Ask for forgiveness when we have used our tongues to tear down rather than build-up
  • Pray that God would continue to give us opportunities to speak life into other people
  • Pray God uses our words to encourage others and build them up
  • Ask that God would raise up more leaders to come and serve in this place
  • Ask that God would equip those he has called to serve here at The Grove
  • Pray for the next generation, that they would hear the encouraging words God speaks over them
  • Pray that all would hear God’s encouragement and voice through his Word and Spirit
  • Pray that God uses all of us this week to be a blessing to others through our spoken words and actions