Hebrews 4:16

16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


During this season we are seeing a great need in our world. In our nation, we are seeing those lost and searching for answers. In places such as India, we are seeing a whole country come to a standstill due to the COVID-19 virus. 

Whilst in times like these we can become discouraged it is important to remember to draw near to our heavenly father. He provides a firm foundation in which to trust, giving us help in times of need. When we pray this week, let's align our hearts to see peace and provision brought to those that need it most.


Prayer notes:


Praise points

  • Thanking God for His constant provision in our lives, praising him for the endless grace and mercy He shows us
  • Praise God for the wonderful gift we have been given in His son Jesus, that we can live life to the full in Christ alone
  • Thank God for nations everywhere stepping up and sending help to India in a time of crisis

Prayer points

  • For our leaders, we are called to intercede on behalf of our leaders here in our nation. Pray that God would draw near to them and give them peace as well as understanding in each and every situation they face
  • For our community, that God would touch the hearts of all people in our suburbs and across Brisbane
  • That we would see people who are lost and searching come into the kingdom of God
  • For those in India as a nation, that God would draw near to those that have lost loved ones, those that are serving and risking their lives for others, and that in the midst of chaos and heartbreak that God would find a way to meet people where they are and touch their hearts. Providing care and comfort for all who need it

Church prayer points

  • Pray for God's blessing and leading over our grand opening. Pray that God gives provision for all things to come together on the day to honour those involved with the project and to ensure guidance over all ministries that take place here at The Grove
  • For God's provision in the area of finance, that we would see many others join in supporting us as a church and giving into God's community to see more people hear the good news of Jesus Christ
  • For a successful grand opening of the building as we thank God for all His provision along the way, it's been a long journey and we are so thankful for God's leading and perfect timing
  • Pray that we would see fruit from our fundraising for the Rise Up building fit-out appeal
  • That we would see many people attending partner with us in praying and asking God to be our ultimate provider as he has done so faithfully in the past