It’s encouraging to see so many new people coming home to The Grove. Last Sunday 160 people attended our 9.30am service. With current COVID restrictions, the auditorium can only seat 184 with the 2m2 rule, before using the foyer for overflow seating. We are so full of thanks to God for the way he is drawing people, working in their lives, and for the opportunities we have to make room for more to come.
As we prepare for Easter services, we made the decision to hold two Easter Sunday services at 8am and 10am, as historically this is a well-attended service. We don’t want anyone to miss out on hearing about the hope and life found in Jesus. Our Good Friday service is planned for 8am, however, if it fills up we can add an extra service as needed.
Over 5000 Invitations to Easter will be bundled and ready for our letterbox drop from this Sunday. Please join us in getting the invitations out in Ferny Grove, Upper Kedron and Ferny Hills.
Last Sunday John Sweetman preached about revival and shared the metaphor of a tidal wave. Before the wave comes, the tide recedes a long way. As we look around at our society, we are deeply concerned at how far the tide has gone out in contrast to the Kingdom values of Jesus. But maybe it’s a sign that a tidal wave of revival is building up. If that's the case, then what should our response be?
John also quoted G. Campbell Morgan.
"Revival cannot be organized, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again."
In numerous conversations after the service, and through this week, people have quoted Morgan’s words to me. “Let’s set our sails”. It really is a confirmation of our call to rise up in Isaiah 60. Our vision for 2021 is focussed on many people of all ages coming home to God, so our calling is to rise up and be ready for them. That’s our faith response – to set our sails.
This calling will require all of us to play our part in serving and giving our lives away for the greatest cause on earth, the gospel of Jesus. As the body of Christ rise up, then we are able to welcome people of all ages, and help them belong and become all Jesus intends for them to be.
Rising up can be expressed in many different ways, but all for the same purpose.
- It’s as we serve in the church through welcoming people, teaching kids, leading youth, joining a ministry team.
- It’s through cleaning the church, caring for the grounds and helping as a volunteer.
- It’s through coming to pray with others, joining a connect group and spending personal time with Jesus.
- It’s through coming regularly to worship God, promoting unity, and seeking to encourage those around you in Christ.
- It’s through using the diverse gifts and the abilities God has placed in our lives to build up the church and faith in others.
- It’s through investing our finances to join with others in meeting our budget, so our loan can be repaid while ministry and mission is supported to move forward.
- It’s through going out as a witness to Jesus through the week in the places we work, live and play.
Growth in the church is an exciting time and produces a certain momentum. However, to catch the life changing momentum the Holy Spirit brings, so that it continues and increases in our lives and church, means rising up our sails and setting them to where he is moving everyday.
God is on the move in this place church, so let’s rise up!
God bless,