Praise and Thanks:

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Praise and Thanks:

  • Praise God for the blessing of the Christmas season
  • Praise God for his faithfulness to us this year
  • Thanks for all our volunteers who give up their time and resources
  • Praise God for the financial provision during this year
  • Praise God for the stories coming out of Red Frogs and for the lives changed during that week
  • Praise God for the peace he brings, even in the midst of chaos


Prayer Points:

  • Pray for the Christmas season ahead
  • Pray the peace of God will fall on all those in our community this Christmas season 
  • Pray that God would bring many to the Christmas event not just for numbers, but to bring them into a relationship with Jesus
  • Pray for all our volunteers serving and giving up time to come and be a part of God’s call to reach the lost in our community
  • Pray for our creative team and those leading our carols service
  • Pray for our event coordinators in organising volunteers and teams
  • Pray for our catering team that they will be a blessing to so many on the weekend
  • Ask God that his Holy Spirit will fill the church
  • Ask God that during this event many would begin to open their hearts to God
  • Ask God to bless those stepping foot on the property
  • Pray that through all of this the name of Jesus is made known and all glory is given to God
  • Pray that God moves in the hearts of the community and in our hearts as we serve him