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  • That revival is the work of God 
  • For our own salvation 
  • That the Holy Spirit is continually at work in the world 


Praying for those seeking God... 


On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 7:37-38

For this is what the high and lofty One says - he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” Isaiah 57:15 


  • That many would come to know the saving power of God 
  • That those who are thirsty would seek the things of God 
  • That our Alpha courses will always be full and people will continue to ‘drop in’ to church 
  • That prodigals would return 


Praying for personal renewal... 


Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you. Psalm 51:10-13 


  • Pray for a spirit of humility and brokenness before God 
  • Pray for a pure heart and steadfast spirit 
  • Ask for a hunger for God’s word and a readiness to obey 
  • Pray for opportunities to share Christ’s love with others 


Revival of the Church...

Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6 


  • Pray that we as a people will be humble before God 
  • Pray that our faith will be renewed 
  • Pray for healing in bodies, minds and hearts and that long term difficulties would be overcome 
  • Ask for a tender and burning love for the lost 
  • Pray that people will be added to the Kingdom daily! 


God at work in our Nation... 


For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit of your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3 


  • Pray for a powerful work of the Holy Spirit in our dry and thirsty land 
  • Pray for many in our community to be drawn to our Easter services
  • Pray that we would be a nation set apart for Christ
  • Pray for a great harvest


READ LUKE 14:15-24

  • Give thanks to the Lord that he built us a spiritual home. Praise him for the privilege we have of serving his body, the church.
  • Pray that we would warmly welcome all who Jesus invites to come home at The Grove.
  • Pray that we would all learn to break out of our comfort zones to welcome those who are new at The Grove.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give us eyes to see people each week who need a welcome and encouragement.
  • Pray that we would invite people to come to church - those in our streets, in the laneways. Those in great need. 
  • May we learn from God new ways to show hospitality. Pray for the resources we need to fit out the kitchen in God's time.
  • May young people experience the welcome of Jesus as they find a place in the kids and youth ministries.
  • Pray that Jesus' house would be full of people coming to explore the gospel and may we all help others on their spiritual journey.
  • Pray that people would feel welcome from the street, to the carpark to the foyer to the seats. Help us Lord to be the kindest and most welcoming community. Pray that we would grow our teams of welcomers, carpark attendants and ushers.
  • Pray that many people would accept the invitation to come to church.

Pastors blog 18 Feb

As we prepare to open the new church building, this is also a time to open our hearts for all the amazing things God has in store for 2021!


This week Jason Elsmore, our newly appointed QB Director, will be speaking on moving immovable mountains. In part of his message he mentions Caleb, one of the twelve spies sent out by Moses to examine the land God was giving them. Most of the spies came back to report that indeed the land was flowing with milk and honey, but there were also powerful, fortified cities around it which would make it impossible to conquer. Caleb silenced the crowd and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Num 13:30). 

Was this sheer soldier bravado, was it kamikaze-style thinking?  I think it was something more powerful – it was 100% faith in God.


Caleb had witnessed God free Israel from slavery.  He had walked on dry land in the Red Sea, with walls of water on either side. He had seen how God had washed away the enemies that were chasing them with one blow. He had seen water come from a rock when there was nothing to drink. He had seen God provide manna and quail when there was nothing to eat. He had seen, and probably helped set up the Tabernacle and seen the glory of God surround the place day and night.


Caleb saw the enormity of the things ahead, but also had experienced firsthand the power of His God. Next Sunday we will be worshipping in a new building – it will be a new thing! It will be exciting, it will be memorable! As we step forward into this new venture, let us never forget all the things we have seen God do firsthand and may we step forward with something so powerful - 100% faith in God. He can truly move immovable mountains! 


May this be our witness next week as we gather to worship in His presence. May this be your hope as you continue to pray for friends and family to invite into this place.




Ps Leigh


6 “When we were at Mount Sinai, the Lord our God said to us, ‘You have stayed at this mountain long enough. 7 It is time to break camp and move on. Go to the hill country of the Amorites and to all the neighbouring regions—the Jordan Valley, the hill country, the western foothills, the Negev, and the coastal plain. Go to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, and all the way to the great Euphrates River. 8 Look, I am giving all this land to you! Go in and occupy it, for it is the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to all their descendants.’”

Deuteronomy 1:6-8



  • Moses preached the Deuteronomy sermon to the Israelties on the edge of the Jordan river. Praise God for his word spoken to us at significant moments. 
  • Give thanks for this moment when God is telling us that we have stayed long enough in the wilderness. Praise him for his faithfulness to us and for leading us to the edge of occupancy. Pause in this holy moment and worship. 
  • It's time to break camp and advance. May the Lord fill us with strength and joy as we move forward. Pray that we will not lag behind, but embrace the future God has won for us. Pray that darkness would flee before the advancing light of Jesus through his church.
  • God is saying go into the hill country. May we always be a sent church, going when God calls, to where he calls. Jesus, in the Great comission said go. May we live this year knowing the light is green, not red or orange. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses as a city on the hill.
  • God is giving us this land and new building. While the building process has been lengthy, now is the time to recieve it and open the doors for all who come. Pray that we would claim all Jesus won for us. With thanks and with wholehearted surrender. Pray that many would receive Jesus' salvation, and his spiritual gifts and use them for his Kingdom's advance.
  • Give thanks for the promises God gave to those before us. For our church heritage. Remember Bridgeman Baptist who planted us and the promises God gave them that are extending through The Grove. Pray that we would one day plant churches and pass on with generosity our support. 


I received an email that brought great joy to all the staff this week. The Portaloo is now off hire and will be picked up shortly, because the toilets and water in the building are now all fully operational. Praise God!! I never thought I could get so excited about working toilets! But that is only the beginning of the good news I have to write about today. 

There are two other bigger announcements that you will want to read about...



The first is about our opening service. We have a date! The 28th of February. Cornerstone, our builders, have informed me that there is ample time for the wrap up of the certification process. There is always a very small chance the bureacratic process halts us, but it is highly unlikley. So we are pressing on by faith to open the church in two weeks time. Praise our great and mighty God! 


To prepare for the opening service there are a number of important points. This Sunday is our final service at QB, as the 21st of February will be online only. That gives the tech and worship team a weekend to setup and prepare. The next two Sundays are important services for these reasons:


  • 14 February: This Sunday is our final service after fourteen years renting venues. In some ways it's like the moment on the bank of the Jordan river before the waters parted to crossover into the promised land. Rev Ian Hussey is our special guest to bring us a word for the occassion. We will also share around the Lord's table.


  • 21 February: We would like to invite Connect groups to host watch parties for this service. This will be a special opportunity to share together in homes and pray for our opening service. If you would like to join a connect group, there is no better time to begin than the 21st of Feb. We are planning some interactive elements following the service especially for Connect groups. 



Following a long search, the church council are bringing a recommendation of a person to join the pastoral team as a student youth and young adults pastor. This will be shared first for approval at a members meeting on the 28th of February. We praise God for the timing of his plans coming together with the opening of the church. Members will recieve a bio of the applicant in their inbox prior to the meeting. If successful, the young man will begin in mid March at 3 days per week.


God is bringing everything together in his perfect time. We can be so full of joy and gratitude church. Let's get ready over the next two weeks to enter into all Jesus has for us. 


He has given me a new song to sing,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
    They will put their trust in the Lord (Ps 40:3).


God bless,
