Recently we found a bunch of plants at our church entrance, and a note reading, "Happy Church warming Gift! Praying your Grand Opening is a blessing to you all as you honour God and bless your community!" Thankyou to whoever donated those plants, that are now freshening up more areas in the building. God keeps providing in so many creative and encouraging ways, that express his love for our community.   


Plants are a good image for The Grove, and for the new season we are entering. Last Sunday I preached on Psalm 1, and verse 3 tells of the reward of delighting in God's word, by meditating on it daily.


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither –
    whatever they do prospers.


That is such an attractive picture of what we want to become. And it's exactly what God promises we will become, if we sink our roots deep into his word and presence. We are setting aside term three to listen to God speak, and lay spiritual foundations for our faith. Here are some ways to embrace this foundational season, and put your roots down in The Grove.



I wrote another blog in the newsletter about hearing from God. I would love the church to read this also, and for each of us make personal commitments to seek God's direction in term three. To use the practices of journalling, discussion and prayer as methods of discernment. As the head of our church, Jesus has much to say to us about his plans for our future. 



I love the words belong, believe and become. Those words define what growing as a follower of Jesus looks like. We don't just attend church, we belong in the faith community, we help eachother grow in our faith, and as a result of belonging and believing we become more like Jesus and fulfill his mission for our lives. The Christian Foundations course in term three will help us sure up solid foundations in our faith, as we commit to growing in this new season. I pray many would sink their roots deep into this series. 



We recently released a new vision and finance booklet for the 21-22 financial year. Our new weekly budget of $11,000 is foundational for the ministry and mission of The Grove. It is also a big step that will require many playing a part. We asked everyone to pray about how God is leading them to invest tithes into the new budget, and for how people plan to contribute to the Rise UP Fit Out appeal. Then to fill out the commitment slip in the back of the booklet, and place it in the offering boxes on the 11th and 18th of July. Writing your name on the slip is completely optional, but the commitment slip itself provides the opportunity to express the commitment people make in their hearts. 


I pray that as we commit to listening, growing and investing in term three, that we will hear God speak, be transformed by his Holy Spirit, and be amazed at his abundant provision. 

God bless, Marty